
  • 网络multipoint ground;Common Ground
  1. TV二次回路多点接地造成保护拒动的实例分析

    Instance Analysis fo the Miss Operation of the Protection Device Caused By Multiple Earth in the TV Secondary Circuit

  2. 500kV变压器夹件多点接地分析与处理

    Analysis and Treatment in More Than One Grounding Points on the Clamping Piece of 500 kV Transformer

  3. 一种新的多点接地电阻测量模型的研究

    Study on A New Type of Multipoint Grounding Resistance Measurement Model

  4. 铁心多点接地故障分析与防范措施

    Analysis of Multipoint Earthing Faults in Magnetic Cores and Their Protective Measures

  5. 变压器铁芯多点接地故障的判断与处理

    Judgement and Treatment of Multi-spot Earthing Fault on the Core of a Transformer

  6. 对变压器铁芯多点接地故障的分析及处理对策

    Analysis and Countermeasures of Power Transformer Multi-point Grounding Failure

  7. 电力变压器铁心多点接地故障原因及分析

    The Reason for the Multi-point Grounding Fault of Power Transformer 's Iron-core and Analysis

  8. 试验结论为进行变压器铁心多点接地定位工作提供了一个有效的方法。

    Simulation results have proposed a validity method for the work of locating iron-core faults .

  9. 车式加料捣炉机常见故障及处理对策对变压器铁芯多点接地故障的分析及处理对策

    Common Breakdown and Its Solution of Feeding Stove Analysis and Countermeasures of Power Transformer Multi-point Grounding Failure

  10. 桥头发电厂3主变铁芯多点接地故障的分析与处理

    Analysis and Treatment of the Multi-point Earthing Breadown in the the 3 # Transformer core in Qiaotou Thermal Power plant

  11. 介绍了几种常用的多点接地电阻的测量方法与仪器,指出其存在的缺陷;

    This paper discusses the methods and instruments frequently used in the multipoint grounding resistance measurement , and points out the shortcomings in practice .

  12. 对电磁屏蔽的原理及应用和接地的几种方式:单点接地、多点接地、混合接地和悬浮接地进行了分析。

    It analyses the principle of electromagnetic shielding and some ways of grounding : single-point grounding , Multi-point grounding , mixed grounding and suspension grounding .

  13. 介绍变压器铁芯和夹件接地回路及变压器铁心多点接地检测装置。

    The device to check if there are multi-grounding locations in transformer core and to check the grounding circuit of core and clamping pieces are introduced .

  14. 为对变压器铁心发生的多点接地故障进行准确定位提出了高频法和行波法两种检测方法,并对它们进行了较为详细的分析和比较。

    To solve the problem of locating the multipoint earthing of the transformer core , two novel methods , named as high-frequency method and travelling-wave method , are analyzed and compared in detail .

  15. 在直流系统发生一点或多点接地时,该装置能迅速检查发生接地的直流支路编号及接地支路的极性,同时报警提示现场运行人员。

    When an one-point or multi-point earth fault occurs , the monitor can quickly detect the serial number and polarity of the branch circuit earthed , and meantime give alarm to the operator on site .

  16. 大型变压器由于制造工艺质量、运输、安装和运行维护等原因,在变压器运行过程中,铁心多点接地现象时有发生,占变压器本体故障相当的比例,易引起变压器的损坏;

    The multi-point grounding fault of iron-core of power transformer caused by manufacturing quality , transfer , installation , and operation often generates , which occupies a high part of transformer faults and causes the power transformer damage .

  17. 影响电力变压器安全运行的因素有很多,分析了变压器铁心多点接地故障和变压器铁心油道短路故障,介绍了故障检测的方法,并提出处理方法。

    There are many factors to effect the safe operation of power transformation , analyzes the multipoint grounding malfunction and short circuit of oil duct , introduces the malfunction detection method , puts forward the treatment method as well as .

  18. 这些公式的推导,是用有限差分方程组代表多点接地的屏蔽导线的相邻两档之间电流的关系,再代入相应的边界条件而解出。

    These formulas are derived from a system of finite difference equations representing the relation between the currents in successive sections of the multiply-grounded shielding conductors , and the subsequent substitution of terminal conditions corresponding to the particular circuit arrangement under consideration .

  19. 变压器铁芯在正常运行中只能有而且必须有一点接地,必须预防和及时发现变压器铁芯多点接地故障并迅速做出处理,防止事故扩大。

    The transformer core must be earthing in one point and only one point , so multi-points earthing fault of transformer core has to be prevented , found out in time and treated quickly in order to avoid the fault to be extended .

  20. 对变压器铁心多点接地故障与变压器油中特征气体的关系进行了分析讨论,提出了诊断变压器铁心多点接地故障的方法,并介绍了诊断实例。

    The relation of the multiple earthing fault of transformer core with the special gas in the transformer oil is discussed and analysed in the paper . The method for the fault diagnosis of multiple earthing of transformer core is introduced , and two diagnosis examples are presented .

  21. 电力系统中的互感器二次侧经常发生两点或多点接地,引起继电保护误动作或计量误差,影响系统的正常运行或给系统(或用户)造成经济损失。

    The secondary side of TA often appears two or more ground points in power system , it causes wrong actions to protective relays or produces measurement errors , it also influences normal running in power system or causes the economic losses to power system ( or user ) .