
  • 网络How Nice
  1. 如果你能从学校飞回家该多好啊!

    How nice it would be if you could fly home from school !

  2. 多好啊,你母亲叫什么名字?

    How nice . what 's your mother 's name ?

  3. 去年我父亲逝世了——我要是能使他起死回生该多好啊。

    My father died last year ─ I wish I could bring him back to life .

  4. 要是你早些时候告诉我该多好啊!

    If only you had told me that some time ago

  5. 我要是像你们那么年轻该多好啊!

    I wish I were as young as you .

  6. 唉,要是他懂英语该多好啊!

    Oh , if only he knew English !

  7. 在书店里信步漫游、随好奇心浏览书籍可以成为一个下午的消遣。要是能做到这样多好啊!

    To walk the rounds of the bookshops , dipping in as curiosity dictates , should be an afternoons entertainment . If only !

  8. 今天天气多好啊!

    What a gorgeous day it is today !

  9. Thingscouldbebetter.马马虎虎。/如果更好一点的话该多好啊。你投资的股票怎么样了?

    A : How have your investments in the stock market been . B : Things could be better .

  10. 如果有一个各种第三方组件可以实施的标准“文本编辑器”API那该多好啊!

    It would be so much better if there were a standard " text-editor " API that could be implemented by various third-party components .

  11. Kaylee还透露自己与Blair的扮演者Leighton私下是好朋友,多好啊!

    Kaylee also revealed that her and Leighton are friends off set !

  12. 记得上赛季看到CR的神迹时我在想能看到世界最佳球员的巅峰多好啊。

    I remember thinking last season when Ronaldo was performing miracles , how lucky we all were to be seeing one of the world 's best players playing at his peak .

  13. 如果经济学基本原理(Econ101)也能这么引人入胜该多好啊!

    If only Econ 101 had been this interesting !

  14. 阿兰心里想道:要是我们从未到过那个地方该多好啊。

    If only we 'd never gone there , thought alan .

  15. 如果这是鄂州作品该有多好啊!

    If this is the work of the Ezhou How good !

  16. 若是我能看到四个现代化实现该有多好啊!

    If only Icould see the realization of the four modernizations .

  17. 我喜欢这个海滨城市,住在这儿生活会多好啊。

    I like the coastal city-what a life to settle here !

  18. 要是我能够环游世界该多好啊!

    If only I could take a trip around the world !

  19. 要是能够自动地创建并部署分区,那该多好啊!

    Imagine being able to create and deploy your partitions automatically .

  20. 如果你们俩真能这样互相吸引该多好啊。

    If only you two were this attracted to each other .

  21. 只是到了秋天才能休闲片刻,要是能躺下来睡上一大觉有多好啊!

    If I could only lie down and sleep at it !

  22. 那样该多好啊。我一直希望有个女儿

    I would have liked that . Always wanted a daughter .

  23. 我们要是去学校餐厅该有多好啊。

    If only we 'd gone to the school dining hall .

  24. 能做一颗开花的梨树或随便什么开花的树多好啊!

    Oh to be a pear tree-any tree in bloom ?

  25. 要是一年到头都是春天该多好啊!

    I wish it were spring all the year round .

  26. 要是我能再爱你一次多好啊!

    If only I would love you one more time !

  27. 要是上周我没病该多好啊!

    If only I had not been ill last week !

  28. 汤姆:天气多好啊,是吧?

    Tom : The weoverher is lovely , isnwit it ?

  29. 要是能够把结帐的时间永远推迟下去,那多好啊!

    If only she could put off the hour of reckoning forever !

  30. 要是我们能知道问题的原因该多好啊!

    If we could only get at the cause of the problem !