
  • As you wish;As You Like It;As you like
  1. 然而,意识到不是所有的计划都会如你所愿,这一点也很重要。

    However , it 's also important to realize that not all of your plans turned out exactly as you wish .

  2. 阿奢尼&楼陀罗:别激动。如你所愿。

    Agni & Rudra : Fair enough . As you wish .

  3. 这种兼容性的好处是当你开始用Groovy工作时,你可以拷贝并粘贴Java代码到你的Groovy类中,它们会如你所愿地工作。

    The net benefit of this is that when you begin with Groovy , you can copy and paste Java code in your Groovy classes , and this should just work as expected .

  4. 神圣的主啊,如你所愿乃是为了满足我的要求。

    And O Divine Master , grant that I might seek .

  5. 事情没有完全如你所愿又如何?

    So what if it didn 't all go your way ?

  6. 生活并不总会如你所愿。

    Life won 't always turn out the way you want .

  7. 希望你的生日如你所愿。

    I hope your birthday was all that you hoped for .

  8. 你认为事情在如你所愿地发展吗?

    Do you think things are going to go your way ?

  9. 你的生活是否如你所愿呢?

    is your life everything you 'd hoped it 'd be ?

  10. 生活并非总是如你所愿。

    Life doesn 't always give us the joys we want .

  11. 生活并不总是如你所愿。

    Life doesn 't always go how you want it .

  12. 如你所愿。如果卡利俄珀是你所真正渴求的话,我可以帮你。

    If Calliope is your true desire , I can help you .

  13. 但现实并非如你所愿。

    But we haven 't quite come to that yet .

  14. 好吧妈妈就如你所愿吧

    Okay , Mama , whatever you want . Oh , okay .

  15. 你的理想很伟大,希望能如你所愿。

    Your dream is so great , as you wish .

  16. 如你所愿我会退出了。

    I 'm quitting the team as your wish .

  17. 一耍小孩脾气,大家就如你所愿。

    You throw a tantrum , and everyone gets scared and backs off .

  18. 如你所愿,罗伯特

    If you think it 's best , Robert .

  19. 不是所有的事情都如你所愿

    You Can 't Always Get What You Want

  20. 我很抱歉如你所愿我今天给了你一天时间

    I 'm so sorry . I gave you today just like you asked .

  21. 如你所愿的计划。

    Plans that are conformable to your wishes .

  22. 你现在应该知道不是一切都能如你所愿。

    You should know by now that you can 't have everything you want .

  23. 事情并不总是向如你所愿的方向发展。

    Things aren 't always going to go how you would like them to .

  24. 充满各种可能,是你的生活如你所愿。

    Full every possibility to make you life exactly what you want it to be .

  25. 亲爱的杰弗森那就如你所愿

    Well , my dear Jefferson , then that 's exactly what you 'll have .

  26. “如此,”哈里说,“所以如你所愿,我给你小的。”

    " Well ," said Harry ," So I gave small one as you want . "

  27. 如你所愿,你终究成了一颗在我心头的朱砂痔。

    As You Like It , you will eventually become one of cinnabar in my heart hemorrhoids .

  28. 在生活中,我认识到事情并非往往如你所愿。

    IN LIFE , I 've learned that things don 't always turn out how you want .

  29. 在此期间,酒后温暖或冷贤者茶糖,多如你所愿。

    In between , drink warm or cold sage tea without sugar , as much as you like .

  30. 视我如你所愿,但请不要将境遇,距离,外界统统抛诸脑后。

    Regard me as what you will , but don 't altogether forget circumstance , distance , environment .