
  • 网络Play more;DNF
  1. 加拿大的研究人员近日表示,多玩儿像Snap这样的纸牌游戏有助于中风病人的康复。

    Playing simple card games , such as snap , can help stroke patients with their recovery , say Canadian researchers .

  2. 所谓的推心置腹、只不多玩剑灵过是看在钱的面子上。

    The so-called confide , just look at money in the face .

  3. 我们希望通过努力让你享受到更多玩的乐趣。

    We hope you can enjoy more fun to play .

  4. 他说他只会多玩两年篮球。

    He says he will only play two more years .

  5. 少干多玩,那是更好不过。

    And the more hours he is free to play , the better .

  6. 棒极了。我第一次尝试那么多玩意儿。

    Great . I got to try so many things for the first time .

  7. 要多玩就得多晚。而且我会等你的。

    And I 'll be waiting for you .

  8. 在这多玩阵子吧,现在正下大雨。

    The rain start to pour down at the moment , stay here long time please .

  9. 我要跳更多的舞。我要多玩几次旋转木马。

    I would ride more merry-go-rounds .

  10. 由于运气只是一个短期的波动,所以尽量多玩几局,技术流多玩才能赢。

    Play lots , since luck is a short-term variation , and skill is won over time .

  11. “我独自去旅游,我可以决定什么时候出发上路,在什么地方多玩一会儿。”

    " Travelling on my own , I can decide when to start on my way and where to linger a little longer . "

  12. 要鼓励我多玩,我制定了的决意有:”认真对待玩“,”花时间犯傻“,强迫自己漫不经心。

    To encourage myself to play more , I 've made resolutions to Be serious about play , Take time to be silly , Force myself to wander .

  13. 不过我很后悔没有尝试一些刺激的游戏。自从上次去了以后,我就一直想:下一次要多玩几项。我做了好久的心理准备,可还是没鼓起勇气。郁闷那

    I was telling myself to play more games since the last time I want there and I had been preparing for a long time , but I was still not brave enough . I am so sorry

  14. 根据近来发布的美国居民时间支配调查数据显示,一般而言,退休党们会将这些额外的时间用于多玩一会儿、吃饭、睡觉、做家务以及看更多的电视。

    Retirees are generally using that extra time to linger a little longer over meals , sleep , do household chores , and watch a lot more TV , according to recently released American Time Use Survey data for 2011 .