
  • 网络game;Game Activities;play;Scavenger Hunt & Tour
  1. 不同于高尔夫球和足球这样的游戏活动,没有人为登山制定规则。

    There are no man-made rules , as there are for31 games as golf and football .

  2. 爱因斯坦对任何费体力的事,都避而远之;从不参加剧烈的游戏活动,特别厌恶玩打仗的游戏。

    Einstein avoided any strenuous physical exertions , did not play active games , and particularly hated to play soldier .

  3. 欠发达地区幼儿园游戏活动组织方式探析

    On the Games ' Organizing Modes in Underdeveloped Areas ' Kindergartens

  4. 我通过开展游戏活动尽力把课上得更加生动有趣。

    I try to make my lessons more enjoyable by using games .

  5. 提升游戏活动的地位,加强有目的的指导;

    Advancing the status of the games and strengthening the purposeful guidance ;

  6. 无为而为的游戏活动与幼儿创造力的发展

    Children 's Play and the Development of Children 's Creativity

  7. 游戏活动评价应具有多元性和创新性。

    The evaluation on the games should be conducted in various ways .

  8. 接下来是轻松活泼的“报纸上的拷问”游戏活动。

    In the following it was the game & excruciate on the newspaper .

  9. 关于学前儿童体育游戏活动的探讨

    A Probe into Physical Recreation Activity of the Children in the Preschool Period

  10. 游戏活动是休闲活动的一种。

    Game activities are a kind of leisure activities .

  11. 创设游戏活动的情境,情趣相融;

    Establish the scenario of game activity , the interesting aspect mutually melt ;

  12. 许多游戏活动计划,包括马蹄

    Many games activities are planned , including horseshoes

  13. 用游戏活动调动职高生词汇学习动机的行动研究

    An Action Research on Motivating Vocational School Students to Learn Vocabulary Through Game-like Activities

  14. 游戏活动使规则和自由达到高度的统一。

    The rules join the games and human freedom to a great and harmonious extent .

  15. 运用游戏活动提高小学生的英语口语能力

    A Study of Games Using in the Improvement of Primary School Students ' Spoken English

  16. 幼儿园游戏活动形式特征及结构探析

    Characteristics and Structure of Kindergarten Game Forms

  17. 儿童游戏活动影响因素及其空间景观营造的研究

    Study on Influence Factors of Playing Activities and Landscaping Design of Children 's Playing Environment

  18. 中国古代游戏活动对现代休闲业的启示

    How to Develop Leisure Industry in China & EnlightenmentDerived from the Recreational Activities in Ancient China

  19. 论幼儿园游戏活动的价值回归

    On value return of kindergarten games

  20. 我们主要采用游戏活动法、惩罚法、消退法和药物治疗法来矫正情绪和行为问题;

    Play therapy , punishment , extinction , and drug therapy were adopted for emotional and behavioral modification .

  21. 电子游戏活动资源的合理开发与利用是进行研究性学习的有效途径。

    The sound exploitation and use of electronic-game resources is an efficient way to carry out research-based learning .

  22. 结果表明,游戏活动确实是培养幼儿创造力的最有效途径。

    The result shows that playing games is indeed a most efficient approach to train children 's creativity .

  23. 这一游戏活动有可能造成家庭观念的变异、性关系的泛滥和现实家庭的危机。

    Such games may result in transformation of family values , orgy sex and crisis in factual marriages .

  24. 幼儿在幼儿园中的活动主要包括教育活动、游戏活动和生活活动三个部分。

    The action of children in kindergarten mainly includes three parts : educational action , game and living .

  25. 他缺乏自信,害怕尝试新的事物,不愿参加游戏活动。

    He had little self-confidence , and was afraid to try new things or to take part in games .

  26. 因此,听力游戏活动是听力课上学生应享有的定时的“家常菜”。

    Therefore , listening game and activities ought to be a regular part of students'diet in the listening lesson .

  27. 对大班幼儿来说,一节课合适的时间是大约三十分钟,主要是各种形式的游戏活动。

    The proper duration of one lesson can be approximately 30 minutes for 5-6-year-old children . The lessons are activity-based .

  28. 而外部动机则与外部的诱因(外刺激)相关。因此,本试验旨在探究游戏活动,作为学生喜欢的一种诱因(刺激),是否有助于提高学生的词汇学习动机。

    Then as an incentive that students like , games and activities are certainly the best measures to motivate students to learn vocabulary .

  29. 另外,我们还给大家准备了猜谜语、拔河、篮球、飞镖等许多游戏活动。

    In addition , we have arranged a lot of activities , such as riddle-guessing , push and pull , basketball , dart .

  30. 在这种游戏活动中,大脑接受较强的感觉刺激,通过诱发顺应性反应,提高与改善统合功能。

    In such games , the brain receives strong sensory stimulation and responses by inducing compliance , which improves kids ' function and integration .