
yóu láng
  • veranda;gallery;covered corridor
游廊 [yóu láng]
  • (1) [veranda;covered corridor]

  • (2) 附在建筑外部盖有顶的敞廊或门廊,作室外休息用

  • (3) 连接亭台楼阁的走廊

  • (4) [gallery]∶有覆盖的散步场所,其侧面或多或少地开敞着;有顶的长廊

游廊[yóu láng]
  1. 饭后我们坐在游廊上交谈。

    After dinner , we sat talking on the veranda .

  2. 悬吊的屋顶下是一条宽阔的游廊。

    There is a wide veranda under the overhang of the roof .

  3. 他们的客人在游廊里浅酌着美酒。

    Their guests sipped drinks on the veranda .

  4. 房子的正面有一条宽大的游廊。

    Attached to the front of the house , there was a large veranda .

  5. 几分钟以后,诺尔曼?格兰奇登登地沿着游廊走了过来。

    In a few minutes Norman Grange stamped along the veranda .

  6. 荷恩向他打了个手势,要他到游廊上去。

    Horn made him a sign to come onto the verandah .

  7. 那次谈话正是在楼下那间游廊式的餐厅里进行的。

    This conversation took place in the gallery dining-room on the ground-floor .

  8. 杰克在抓游廊的门,要进来。

    Jack scratched at the porch door , wanting in .

  9. 沿残缺的水泥台阶而上,到游廊的后门。

    Up broken cement steps to the back porch door .

  10. 在屋后游廊上坐在我的旁边。

    Sitting beside me on the back porch .

  11. 游廊,走廊一个门廊上轨对讲机啁啾。

    A walkie-talkie on the porch rail chirped .

  12. 房子的四面都有一个开放的门厅,门厅的外围是一圈宽广的游廊。

    The small rooms were arranged on each side of a long open hall .

  13. 游廊算是户内还是户外?

    Is a Veranda Indoors or Outdoors ?

  14. 他看着他走出厨房门,穿过游廊走进场院。

    She watched him go through the kitchen doorway , across the porch , and into the yard .

  15. 前门开着,穿过游廊,即是摆放着整齐茶具的厨房。

    The front door was open ; a corridor led to a kitchen neatly laid with tea dishes .

  16. 我们大部分时间都住在游廊里&这里也是我们劳作、吃饭和玩耍的地方。

    We lived on the piazza most of the time & there we worked , ate and played .

  17. 我们大部分时间都住在游廊里——这里也是我们劳作、吃饭和玩耍的地方。

    We lived on the piazza most of the time -- there we worked , ate and played .

  18. 正面五间上房,皆雕梁画栋,两边穿山游廊厢房,挂着各色鹦鹉、画眉等鸟雀。

    In front of the rooms were hanging a lot of cages keeping various parrots and thrushes and so forth .

  19. 桂长林还在游廊前徘徊。我们乘车抵达前门廊。

    Kuei Chang-lin was walking to and fro on the veranda waiting . We rolled up to the front porch .

  20. 在管理部游廊前,李麻子和另一个人站着张望。

    In front of the veranda of the office building stood Pockmarked Li and another man , looking all round expectantly .

  21. 到了那管理部一带房屋的游廊的尽头,屠维岳就站住了。

    Tu Wei-yueh stopped when he got to the end of the veranda which ran along the front of the office buildings .

  22. 我沿着草坪的边缘走了回去,轻轻跨过石子车道,然后踮起脚尖走上游廊的台阶。

    I walked back along the border of the lawn , traversed the gravel softly , and tiptoed up the veranda steps .

  23. 远香堂俯瞰南面的水域,处在游廊、塔河桥之间。

    The Hall of Distant Fragrance , which overlooks the water to the south , is set amidst verandas , towers , and bridges .

  24. 在那边管理部的游廊前,屠维岳像一位大将军似的来回踱着,准备听凯旋。

    On the veranda in front of the office building , Tu Wei-yueh was pacing up and down like some great general awaiting news of victory from the front .

  25. 院落对面的游廊之下有一个宽大的停车场,那位大员的几部马车居然还停在那儿。

    On the opposite side of the court-yard , under a colonnade , was extensive standing for carriages & where , indeed , some carriages of Monseigneur yet stood .

  26. 她们的大队已经涌到了管理部那一排房子的游廊前,她们已经包围了这管理部了。

    The main body of the women had now surged forward to the veranda in front of the row of office buildings , which they had by now surrounded ;

  27. 第二天一早,斯克尔顿拿着烟斗和书,坐在房间外面的游廊上乘凉。它说,在野外进行乘凉各民族和十字军东征前流亡。

    Early next morning , to enjoy the cool of the day , Skelton , with his pipe and a book , was sitting on the veranda outside his room .

  28. 就在前不久,上海复旦皇冠假日酒店新开设了一个餐厅&游廊阁餐厅酒吧,与一楼大堂里的餐厅风格迥异,并且具有更高的水准和品质。

    The newly opened Mezzanine Restaurant and Bar above the lobby is preferred to its lobby-level counterparts for its stylish d é cor and food of great quality and high standards .

  29. 那个美妙的夏日,我们一直待在1号小屋外面的游廊上,小屋位于高高的山上,可以俯瞰医院的其他地方。

    We had spent all of that splendid summer day out of doors on the veranda [ 1 ] of Hut1 , high on the hill overlooking the rest of the hospital .

  30. 如果不愿等待随意的短信,可以去丛林中一条红土路,寻找一片特别的舞台、游廊、工作室与教室。

    Rather than waiting for that random text message , a good place to start any search may be a special clutch of stages , verandas , studios and classrooms up a red dirt jungle lane .