
yóu lǎn
  • visit;tour;go sightseeing;gallivant
游览 [yóu lǎn]
  • (1) [go sightseeing]∶从容地到各处参观、欣赏名胜、风景等

  • 游览西湖

  • (2) [visit;go sight-seeing;tour]∶专程为消遣或观光去参观

  • 游览长城

游览[yóu lǎn]
  1. 彼得想游览广州。

    Peter wants to go sightseeing in Guangzhou .

  2. 那个喜欢游泳的男孩想去游览。

    B.The boy who likes swimming wants to go sightseeing .

  3. 孩子们离校游览了一天。

    The children were on a day 's outing from school .

  4. 你可以乘船从开罗游览到阿斯旺,也可以从阿斯旺游览到开罗。

    You can cruise from Cairo to Aswan or vice versa .

  5. 导游引导我们游览了古城遗迹。

    The guide conducted us around the ruins of the ancient city .

  6. 我们到岛上去游览了一整天。

    We went on an all-day excursion to the island .

  7. 我们可租用自行车一天来游览这城镇。

    We can hire bikes for a day to explore the town .

  8. 我们由导游带领参观游览了那座宫殿。

    We were given a guided tour of the palace .

  9. 我们乘方头平底小船在河上游览了一天。

    We spent the day punting on the river .

  10. 咱们今天下午游览市区吧。

    Let 's look round the town this afternoon .

  11. 我们短暂游览了巴黎。

    We paid a fleeting visit to Paris .

  12. 我们花了两个星期乘船游览巴哈马群岛。

    We spent two weeks cruising the Bahamas .

  13. 客人们游览场地之后,给招待得酒足饭饱。

    After a tour of the grounds , the guests were fed and watered .

  14. 我们游览了伦敦。

    We went on an outing to London .

  15. 对更愿猎奇探险的旅游者,有本地向导带领进山游览。

    For the more adventurous tourists , there are trips into the mountains with a local guide .

  16. 导游上午会带你们游览全城。

    During the morning your guide will take you around the city

  17. 游客可以前往像纳帕谷酒乡这样远离城市喧嚣的地方游览。

    Tourists can visit outlying areas like the Napa Valley Wine Country

  18. 在黄石公园里使用雪车这一想法,为人们提供了一种对环境低影响、低污染的游览方式。

    The snowcoach concept in Yellowstone provides low-impact , low-pollution access .

  19. 下面列出的是汉斯打算游览的地点。

    There followed a list of places where Hans intended to visit

  20. 她想乘驳船游览法国的运河。

    She wants to cruise the canals of France in a barge

  21. 也许,您乐意去游览一下伦敦。

    Perhaps you would like to pay a visit to London .

  22. 您也可以乘坐配有视频设备的现代化长途汽车游览那处遗址。

    You can also tour the site on modern coaches equipped with videos

  23. 3至5天的乘船游览是该市场中发展最快的部分。

    Three-to-five day cruises are the fastest-growing segment of the market

  24. 这个游览胜地到处都有免费大巴,夜生活也很丰富。

    There are free buses around the resort and plenty of nightlife .

  25. 游览吴哥实现了孩提时的一个梦想。

    Visiting Angkor was the fulfilment of a childhood dream .

  26. 暑期他们乘船到更远的诺曼底和布列塔尼游览。

    During their summer holidays they cruised further afield to Normandy and Brittany .

  27. 我们去了亚特兰蒂斯神殿,在月光下游览了一番。

    We went to the temple of Atlantis and saw it by moonlight .

  28. 我们已安排大家在导游的带领下步行游览这座城市。

    We 've arranged a walking tour of the city with your guide .

  29. 该国越来越糟的名声好像并没有减弱游客们去那儿游览的兴趣。

    The country 's worsening reputation does not seem to be putting off the tourists

  30. 萨尔茨堡是个风景非常秀丽的游览之地。

    Salzburg is an outstandingly beautiful place to visit