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  • polyamine
  1. 外源多胺预处理降低了水分胁迫下玉米叶片中叶绿素、DNA和蛋白质含量的下降幅度。乙烯加速了水分胁迫下玉米植株的衰老速率,而多胺则有一个相反的效应。

    Exogenous polyamine pretreatments could cause the declines of chlorophyll , DNA and protein contents hindered .

  2. 本论文主要是研究多胺脒类药物小分子与DNA的相互作用。

    In this paper , we mainly studied the interaction of polyamine drug molecules and DNA .

  3. 介绍了一种无游离异氰酸酯基聚氨酯胶粘剂的制备方法,采用端环氧基聚氨酯为A组分,多胺化合物为B组分。

    A method for preparing a polyurethane adhesive without free isocyanate monomer is introduced .

  4. 多胺在真核生物DNA复制过程中对聚合酶和解旋酶的作用

    The Role of Polyamine on Polymerase and Unwinding Enzyme in the Process of DNA Replication of Eucaryote

  5. 含萘直链多胺化合物的荧光pH效应及核苷磷酸盐的分子识别

    The pH Effect on the Fluorescence of Linear Poly-amino-compounds and the Recognition of Nucleoside Phosphates

  6. 酰胺多胺配体Cu(Ⅱ)配合物的稳定性和酸分解动力学

    Stability , Kinetics of Acid Decomposition of Cu (ⅱ) Complexes of Novel Polyamide-polyamino Ligand

  7. 自由空气CO2浓度升高和储藏对水稻籽粒中不同形态多胺组分和含量的影响

    Effects of Free Air CO_2 Enrichment and Storage on the Components and Contents of Polyamines in Rice Grains

  8. 多胺改变了染色体的正常结构,干扰了DNA的甲基化过程,在自身免疫性疾病中的发病作用近来引起了人们的关注。

    Polyamines change structure of chromosome and interfere with DNA methylation process , which is involved in the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases .

  9. 而外源Spd和AG处理,可显著增加内源多胺尤其是Put和Spd含量。

    AG treatment could significantly increased endogenous polyamines , especially Put and Spd .

  10. 有机大分子物质(包括多胺、碳水化合物、纤维素)作为有机衬质参与了植物的Si沉积过程;

    Big organic molecules ( including polyamines , carbohydrate and cellulose ) participate in silicon accumulation as matrixes ;

  11. 多胺生物合成的抑制对转化细胞c-Ha-ras癌基因表达的调控

    The Regulation of the Inhibition of Polyamine Biosynthesis to the Expression of c-Ha-ras Oncogene in Transformed Cells

  12. 我们还首次发现,SS能抑制EGF的促细胞多胺合成作用。

    SS partialy inhibited the effect of hEGF on polyamine synthesis .

  13. 从而可增强玉米的耐旱性。水分胁迫下玉米叶片中存在乙烯和多胺的相互制约关系,多胺可能参与DNA和蛋白质合成的调节。

    Ethylene and polyamine could condition each other in maize leaves under water stress , while polyamine could adjust the biosynthesis of DNA and protein .

  14. 在建立了昆虫体内多胺的高效液相色谱(HPLC)测定方法的基础上,研究了外源多胺和激素与小菜蛾蛹期多胺代谢的相互关系;

    Studied the effect on the metabolism of polyamines and hormone in the base of determination of polyamines by HPLC ;

  15. 香草醛缩多胺Schiff碱Co(Ⅱ)配合物固相合成及氧合性能研究

    Studies on Solid State Synthesis and Oxygenation Property of Cobalt (ⅱ) Schiff Base ( Vanilline Polyamine ) Complexes

  16. 添加外源SNP提高了腐胺、亚精胺和精胺三种多胺的含量。

    Exogenous SNP improve putrescine 、 spermidine and spermine elevated polyamine level .

  17. 大环多胺金属配合物能水解DNA、RNA,其水解能力跟金属离子和与其连接的基团密切相关。

    Metal complex of macrocyclic polyamines can hydrolyze DNA and RNA , the ability depends on metal ions and their side groups conjugated to them .

  18. 昆虫体内多胺的高效液相色谱(HPLC)测定昆虫驱避剂驱蚊肤宁的高效液相色谱分析

    Rapid analysis of polyamines in insects by high performance liquid chromatograpy . UV-HPLC Determination of DEET in Insect Repellent QU WEN FU NING

  19. 研究了SBS对石油沥青的改性及多胺活性剂aa对沥青的抗剥落效力。

    Asphalt modified by SBS and antistripping effectiveness of asphalt contained a polyamine ( aa ) were studied .

  20. 多胺法(改良MDEA)脱除CO2工艺及其应用

    Energy-Saving and Efficient Process for CO_2 Removal & Multi-Amine Method ( Improved MDEA ) and Its Application

  21. NaCl胁迫及外源Ca~(2+)处理下甘薯幼苗叶片多胺水平的变化

    Changes of polyamine level in sweet potato seedling leaves under NaCl stress and Ca ~ ( 2 + ) treatment

  22. 抑制多胺生物合成对A549细胞生长及端粒酶激活的抑制作用

    Effect of polyamine biosynthesis inhibition on the growth and telomerase activation of human carcinoma cells A549

  23. 多胺与乙烯具有共同的合成前体物质SAM。

    SAM is a precursor not only of polyamines , the anti-senescence plant growth substances , but also of ethylene biosynthesis .

  24. 烟草叶片游离态多胺与抗TMV关系探讨

    The Study of Relationship Between Free PAs and Resistance of Tobacco to TMV

  25. 多胺抑制剂CSD阻断实验性肺癌发生过程的研究

    Polyamine inhibitor CSD blocking study of experimental pulmonary carcinoma

  26. 外源IBA和PAs对苹果幼苗新根形成、多胺及核酸含量的影响

    Effect of IBA and PAs on Apple Root Formation , Polyamines and Nucleic Acid Content

  27. 干旱胁迫下,3种观赏草Spm、Spd和多胺总量均增加,但Put含量下降。

    The contents of Spm , Spd and the total polyamines all increased , but the content of Put decreased under drought stress .

  28. 2,4-D和环割对苹果根系活力及多胺含量的影响

    The Effect of 2,4-D and Ringing on Root Activity and Polyamines Content in Apple Roots

  29. 多胺(PAs)与植物的几种胁迫反应

    Polyamine and plant stress

  30. 多胺(PAs)是植物体内的抗氧化物质,与植物的耐胁迫能力有密切关系。

    Polyamine is a kind of important antioxidants which have close relationship with the tolerance of plant under stress .