
yè yè
  • every night
夜夜 [yè yè]
  • (1) [every night] 每夜

  • 他和祖母夏天夜夜在这里纳凉

  • 夜夜达五更。--《玉台新咏.古诗为焦仲卿妻作》

  • (2) 又

  • 夜夜不得息。

  1. 他澄清他从未“夜夜与小绿人谈话。”他说:“有一项工作我们一直没能实现。那就是,我们不知道UFO是否存在。”

    Clarifying he did not " talk to little green men every night , " he said : " We have a remit that we have never satisfied . That is , we do not now ( sic ) if UFOs exist .

  2. 你像白云那样飘逸,夜夜进入我的梦里;

    Every night you walk into my dream like elegant with clouds ;

  3. 你是天真,庄严,你是夜夜的月圆。

    Naive and stately , you are the full moon at night .

  4. 埕岛油田海水钻井液对钻具的腐蚀及防护从伊甸园到大海&解读艾米莉·迪金森夜夜暴风雨,夜夜暴风雨

    Corrosion of sea water mud on drill pipe and its control

  5. 黑夜夜夜使我悲哀加重。

    And night doth nightly make gries 's length seem stronger .

  6. 夜夜是白天当好梦把你显示!

    And nights bright days when dreams do show thee me .

  7. 你是夜夜的月圆

    You are a full moon over each ( morning ) evening

  8. 而在瑞典,读完一次后,我们就去夜夜笙歌了。

    In Sweden we read it once and then we went partying .

  9. 晚安,晚安,夜夜复夜夜。

    Oh goodnight , goodnight , my night after night .

  10. 我诅咒你睡不着觉,夜夜梦魇缠身。

    I hope you can 't sleep and you dream about it .

  11. 老尼姑家的门夜夜被撬,究竟是人是鬼?

    Old nun door every night by prize , what is man ?

  12. 海水珍珠产业化发展方向与对策从伊甸园到大海&解读艾米莉·迪金森夜夜暴风雨,夜夜暴风雨

    Direction and Approaches to Industrializing of Sea - pearl Industry

  13. 而你却只能独坐家中,夜夜如此。

    While you sit at home all alone , night after night .

  14. 他夜夜盼望再次和她在一起。

    He longed nightly to be with her again .

  15. 夜夜气势宏博的涛声,让我知道

    The billow sound every night , Enlightens me how to be great ,

  16. 人们从世界各地涌入上海,夜夜笙歌。

    People from all over the world were throwing themselves into Shanghai parties .

  17. 你是夜夜的月圆。

    You are a full moon over each evening .

  18. 出海管路系统的噪声振动及声辐射从伊甸园到大海&解读艾米莉·迪金森夜夜暴风雨,夜夜暴风雨

    Characteristics of Transmission and Radiation of Noise and Vibration in Submarine Sea-Water Pipe Systems

  19. 愿我如星君如月,夜夜流光相皎洁。

    Like me as Xing Jun Kisaragi , every night bringing a streamer phase .

  20. 我夜夜带我来看你。

    My granddad brought me to see you .

  21. 我愿是您美梦,夜夜伴您入眠。

    Let me be Your dream , That You sleep with alone at night .

  22. 当你发梦我诅咒你睡不着觉夜夜因此尖叫

    And when you dream I hope you can 't sleep and you SCREAM about it

  23. 天天娱乐,夜夜开心!

    Just happy ! Day and night !

  24. 夜夜把你深情凝望。

    Gazing affectionately at you every night .

  25. 马尼拉&愿爱情夜夜相伴!

    Manila-may all night ispsire love always .

  26. 你一手将它们全毁了,我诅咒你睡不着觉,夜夜梦魇缠身

    You ruined it now , I hope you can 't sleep and you dream about it

  27. 当初她就是这样夜夜亮着灯等他归来的。

    It was she who awaited for his returning every night with the light on as tonight .

  28. 你含笑的眼睛,像星光闪闪,缀在我的心幕上,夜夜亮晶晶。

    Your smiling eyes are just like the sparkling stars hanging on the curtain of my heart .

  29. 愿那飘荡的遐思,缀成多彩的星星,夜夜叩访你温馨的梦。

    May that floating thoughts turn to colorful stars and knock at your beautiful dream every night .

  30. 不瞒你说,我们在这儿守了两夜,我是夜夜胆战心惊。

    I 'll tell you these two nights we have been out here give me the creeps .