- Japan China;noon;midday

[midday] 日头正当午;中午
But when from highmost pitch , with weary car , Like feeble age , he reeleth from the day , The eyes , ' fore duteous , now converted are From his low tract and look another way : So thou , thyself out-going in thy noon , Unlook 'd on diest , unless thou get a son .
Tokyo and Beijing appear close to agreement on joint development of natural gas fields in disputed waters of the East China Sea , a deal that would resolve one of the most contentious issues to strain Sino-Japanese ties in recent years .
The average evapotranspiration in the entire growing season was 3.1mm / d , of which , evaporation from the forest floor was 0.4mm/d and transpiration of the trees was 2.7mm/d .
A Method for Deciding the Position of Chinese Negatives in Japanese-Chinese Machine Translation
E-mails can be exchanged between times , filling up the spaces of a working day .
Fears that China might clamp down on bank lending prompted a sell-off in the previous session .
Impacts of global changes and human activities on the carbon budget and biodiversity of grassland ecosystem in China
In patients with syndrome of pathogenic heat invading heart ( PHIH ), the PVCs mostly appeared in midday .
The other major events of the previous session included central bank meetings from both the Riksbank and Norges Bank .
" I would like to produce a movie recording Japan-China friendly exchanges and the profound changes in China over the30 years ," she said .
To prevent that from happening , and keep tensions with China at a minimum , the Japanese government last month bought the islands itself .
Similarly , America says it is neutral in the sovereignty dispute between Japan and China over the Senkaku or Diaoyu Islands in the East China Sea .
Policymakers in New Delhi believe that souring trade relations between Japan and China represent an opportunity for India to develop and boost its production of rare earths .
Mr. Waber says a worker 's immediate neighbors account for 40 % to 60 % of every interaction that worker has during the workday , from face-to-face chats to email messages .
An official with Ottawa Tourism Bureau said Wednesday at a press conference that more Chineseelements would be added to this year 's Canada Day to mark the friendship between the twocountries .
At first the peak load and valley load are obtained by compensated fuzzy neural network , then 24 hourly load values of the next day are solved by linear extrapolated method .
Based on Japanese KUMON learning method for reference , through a survey in Japan-China market regarding the CLTF ( Chinese Language Teaching for foreigners ) textbooks , analysis the present situation of CLTF textbooks series .
The cross-country section of the three-day event was held here yesterday .
Efficacy of Modified Palygorskite to Ameliorate the Toxic Effects of Aflatoxin B_1 in Broilers
With Vitamin E supplemented in ration increasing , the density of spermatozoon and the motility of fresh semen were increased .
The diets of group A was supplement with dicalcium phosphate made from inositol residue , while that of group B was supplemented with pure calcium phosphate .
The Influence of Dietary Mn and Zn Levels to the Transfer of Mn and Zn From the Yolk Sac
The effect of high ambient temperature and adding anti-oxidative micro-nutrients to the diets on the contents of vitamin E in the heart , liver and egg of layers
The contents of total protein in the serum of the stressed broilers were higher considerably when supplementing with 50 mg / kg V E + 200 mg / kg V C.
Attention should therefore be paid to the addition of Ca and P in diets when a lactating dairy cow is producing milk 35 kg / d when fed by Hybrid Pennisetum .
The supplementation of selenium increased VFA concentration of ruminal fluid .
The difference of pH value in muscle was significant ( P ﹤ 0.01 ) while the water drip rate all decreased when green tea powders and TP were added into the basal diet .
Research in Mechanism of NSP Anti-nutrition Effect in Poultry Dietary
The results showed that : the weight of immune organ and lymphocyte change rate increased significantly ( P 0.05 ) by adding pinaceae extraction into the diet .
Three experiments were conducted to investigate effects of vitamin different dietary levels in the corn-soybean basic diet on the production performance , meat quality parameter and serum biochemical parameter on AA broiler chicks .