
  • 网络Taegu
  1. 当地媒体透露,嫌疑犯现在大丘的一所医院的重症监护室。

    Local media said the suspect was under intensive care in a hospital in Taegu .

  2. 大丘警方说:死者的死因是由于精疲力尽而导致的心力衰竭。

    " We presume the cause of death was heart failure stemming from exhaustion ," a Taegu provincial police official said by telephone .

  3. 日前,在南韩大丘市的一家网吧,一名男子在连续50个小时几乎不间断地玩电脑游戏后,终因过渡疲劳心力衰竭而死。

    South Korean man who played computer games for50 hours almost non-stop died of heart failure minutes after finishing his mammoth session in an Internet cafe , authorities said Tuesday .

  4. 大丘市长说,昨天早上上班高峰时候,一位56岁的,患有精神病的男子被怀疑引发了此次火灾。

    The mayor of the south-eastern city of Taegu said yesterday a56-year-old man with a history of mental illness was suspected of starting the blaze at the end of the morning rush hour .

  5. 罗水发源于岳阳县芭蕉乡坳背里,西南流至汨罗市大丘湾入汨罗江,长88公里,流域面积595平方公里。

    Luo water originated from Yueyang County plantain Au Pui Township , southwest flow to Miluo City , Bay Hill into the Miluo River , 88 km long , the valley area of595 square kilometers .

  6. 迷走神经刺激对大鼠丘脑室旁核及下丘脑室旁核星形胶质细胞的影响

    Reaction of astrocytes in paraventricular nucleus of thalamus and paraventricular nucleus of hypothalamus of rats after vagus nerve stimulation in rats

  7. 电针刺激诱发Fos、Jun样蛋白在大鼠上丘的表达

    Expression of fos-and Jun-like protein in the rat superior colliculus following electroacupuncture stimulation

  8. 听源性惊厥易感大鼠上丘突触素P38表达的研究

    Expression of synaptophysin p38 in superior colliculus in audiogenic seizures-prone rats

  9. 大白鼠上丘传入性联系的HRP法研究

    Sources of the superior colliculus afferents in the albino rat : an HRP-labeling study

  10. 研究表明,将3S技术应用于大比例尺低丘缓坡红壤资源调查及评价能够取得较好的结果,可以实现土地资源开发潜力区的判断和选址,为科学合理地利用丘陵缓坡地区土地资源提供依据。

    The results coincided highly with the actual situation and showed that 3S technology can be used as land resources investigation and assessment . The results provide some scientific evidence for making decision .

  11. 本研究利用免疫组化技术观察并比较外周电针刺激(2Hz,1&2-3mA,30min)后,Fos、Jun样蛋白在大鼠上丘的表达。

    Immunohistochemical technique was used in the present study to detect and compare Fos and Jun expressed in adjacent sections of the rat superior colliculus ( SC ) following electroacupuncture ( EA ) stimulation ( 2Hz , 1 - 2 - 3 mA , 30min ) .

  12. 大鼠上丘的连合投射&HRP法研究

    The commissural projection of the superior colliculus in the rat & a horseradish peroxidase study

  13. 官方称他们死于韩国第三大城市大丘的火灾中。

    They perished in the fire in South Korea 's third-largest city , Taegu , officials said .

  14. 在原有的研究基础上,针对人口密度大的低丘红壤区,植被破坏,水土流失加剧,季节性干旱日趋严重等状况,而提出了红壤地区陆气耦合动力学模式。

    Based on the previous model , a land atmosphere coupling model is proposed according to the meteorological condition of red soil areas .

  15. 本实验测定了可的松阳虚模型大鼠下丘脑儿茶酚胺类神经递质含量和单胺氧化酶&B活性,并观察了益气温阳药对其影响。

    The content of hypothalaums catecholamine neurotransmitter and the activity of monoamine Oxidase-B in cortisol model rat were determined , and the effect of drugs used to nourish Qi and warm Yang on it was also observed .

  16. 大鼠中脑至上丘的传入投射

    The afferent projection of the midbrain to the superior colliculus in the rat

  17. 第五大奇迹是马丘比丘,15世纪秘鲁印加人的隐秘山城。

    Fifth is Machu Picchu , the 15th century hidden mountain city of the Incas in Peru .