
tái wān dānɡ jú
  • Taiwan authorities
  1. 曹兴诚(RobertTsao)拥有世界上最知名的亚洲艺术私人藏品。他在台湾当局就他在中国大陆投资起诉他不成功后,放弃了台湾籍。

    Robert Tsao , who gave up his Taiwanese citizenship after authorities there sued him unsuccessfully for investing in mainland China , owns one of the world 's most renowned private collections of Asian art .

  2. 中国台湾当局随后同意了美方的申请。

    China 's Taiwan authorities later approved the above request .

  3. 同时,台湾当局已经启动24小时紧急应急中心。

    Meanwhile , Taiwan authorities have established a 24 hour emergency response center .

  4. 中国台湾当局批准了上述申请。

    China 's Taiwan authorities approved this application .

  5. 两年前,台湾当局领导拒绝接受这对双胞胎。

    Only two years ago the pair were rejected by the country 's leaders .

  6. 而台湾当局则坚称枪击发生在台湾本岛海域内。

    However , authorities from Taiwan contends the shooting took place in territory controlled by the island .

  7. 台湾当局计划本周晚些时候在南方海域进行军事演习。

    Taiwan authorities are also planning to launch a military drill later this week in the southern waters .

  8. 台湾当局表示,他们会与菲律宾方面就互相的调查结果交换意见。

    Authorities in Taiwan say they will exchange opinions with the Philippline side about each other 's investigation findings .

  9. 台湾当局要求菲律宾道歉,但是菲律宾方面目前仍未道歉。

    However , it has not issued an apology , which is being demanded by the authorities on Taiwan .

  10. 虽然中国政府及台湾当局强烈反对,但是日本依然采取了行动。

    Japan went ahead with the move despite strong opposition from the Chinese government as well as the local Taiwan authorities .

  11. 台湾当局派出舰队,前往台湾本岛南方海域进行常态性护渔。

    Authorities on Taiwan have dispatched a fleet to conduct regular patrols in waters south of the island to safeguard fishing boats .

  12. 台湾当局已召回驻菲律宾代表,并冻结菲律宾劳工赴台申请。

    Authorities have already recalled their representative to the Philippines and have suspended applications for Philippine labors hoping to work on the island .

  13. 台湾当局称,大部分子弹都打在机舱周围,这里正是渔船在被菲律宾警卫队追赶时渔民躲藏的地方。

    The authorities say most of the gunshots hit the cockpit of the fishing vessel where the fishermen hid during the chase by the Philippine coast guard .

  14. 台湾当局早前表示,渔船在被追赶时渔民都躲藏在机舱内,而大部分子弹都打在机舱周围。

    Taiwan authorities earlier said most of the gunshots hit the cockpit of the fishing vessel where the fisherman and his companion were hiding during the chase .

  15. 台湾当局和菲律宾互派调查小组,对本月初菲律宾海岸警卫队射杀台湾渔民一事展开共同调查。

    Taiwan authorities and the Philippines have swapped teams to start cross-investigating the fatal shooting of a Taiwan fisherman by the Philippine Coast Guard earlier this month .

  16. 会议通过的第24号决议要求中国台湾当局在南沙群岛加强气象观测,而会上没有任何一个代表对此提出异议或保留。

    It was requested in Resolution No. 24 adopted at the conference that China 's Taiwan authorities should enhance meteorological observation on Nansha Qundao , and no opposition or reservation was registered .

  17. 在台湾,当局通过提高清洁街道这个“坏工作”的待遇,成功地让城市变得更干净。

    In Taiwan , the government successfully improved urban cleanliness by upgrading the " bad job " of street cleaning .

  18. 而现在,台湾新的管理当局希望和大陆发展友好关系。

    Now though , the new administration is keen to foster closer ties with China .

  19. 本月初,一名台湾渔民被菲律宾海岸队队员射杀,该事件致使台湾当局停止雇佣菲律宾工人并暂停赴菲律宾旅游。

    The row over the shooting of a Taiwan fisherman by the Philippine coast guard earlier this month has led Taiwan authorities to freeze the hiring of Filipino workers and discourage travel .