
  • 网络Bopha
  1. 据称,台风宝霞在经过Palua岛后,进入中国海域,NPR新闻,东尼·孔安雅加达报道。

    The storm is expected to cross over the island of Palua before blowing out of the South China Sea . Anthony Kuhn , NPR News Jakarta .

  2. 台风宝霞造成滑坡和洪水灾害为菲律宾南岛的棉兰老岛(菲律宾东南部第二大岛)造成严重灾害。

    Typhoon Bopha triggered landslides and flash floods as it cut a swath of devastation east to west across the large southern island of Mindanao .

  3. 这个月,台风“宝霞”袭击菲律宾,菲方官员称,台风已造成1000多人死亡。

    Officials in the Philippines say the death toll from this month 's Typhoon Bopha has soared to more than 1000 people .

  4. 台风和飓风一样是同一种类的暴风,而台风宝霞是今年登陆菲律宾最强的台风。

    Typhoons are the same kinds of storms as hurricanes and Typhoon Bopha was the strongest wind that hid the Philippines this year .