
  1. 盛名之下,其实难副&《大中华文库·论语》编辑出版中的若干问题

    On Several Problems of the Publication of The Analects in Library of Chinese Classics

  2. 编辑《大中华文库》是国家九五重点出版工程,第一辑曾荣获国家图书奖。

    Library of Chinese Classics is a key national publishing project and its first series ( including The Analects ) have won the National Book Award .

  3. 大中华文库序列的陆续出版便足为例,这些英译的典籍对于传播中华文化起到了积极的作用。

    Among those , the publication of Library of Chinese Classics serves as a good example . These translated works play a positive role in the dissemination of Chinese culture .