
  1. 在网络环境下收集的语料库,其包含的文本大小一般为KB级别,很少达到MB级别,故称之为小文本语料库。

    The size of text from network environment is generally KB levels rarely reach M level , so we called it small text corpus .

  2. OOV是小文法中的一个常见问题。

    OOV is a common problem in small grammars .

  3. 介绍了求解Hermitian矩阵特征值问题的数学原理,并给出并行化方法及相应的算法。这篇小文,继续前面的工作,给出有关的谱映射定理。

    The numerical theorem for solving Hermitian metric eigen-problem is introduced in this paper . And also , the parallelizing method and algorithm is provided .

  4. 小文在TOA测量距离的基础上,利用基站和测量值之间的几何关系、信号的损耗模型和信号强度信息,提出了置信因子定位算法(BFA)。

    This paper presents a new radio location algorithm-believable factor algorithm ( BFA ), based on the time of arrival ( TOA ) range measurements , using the geometric relationship between the base station and measurements , the path loss model and received signal strength .

  5. 或许我们都应该听一下小文的建议。

    Perhaps we should all listen to Xiaowen 's advice .

  6. 小文看起来就像她所有的同学一样。

    Xiaowen looks just like all her classmates .

  7. 小文最喜欢的功课是计算机科学。

    Xiaowen 's favourite subject is computer science .

  8. 本文由独立成篇的两则小文组成。

    This paper consists of two essays .

  9. 读完这篇小文,你会迫不及待地将它转发给你所有的网友。

    After reading this message , you immediately forward it to all your friends on line !

  10. 今天我们要一起读的是两个小文段。

    What I have here for us to look at together today are two little texts .

  11. 对这样一个复杂丰富的事件进行全面的研究,远非这篇小文所能胜任。

    The overall search for this complicated event is far beyond what this article is able to contain .

  12. 小文通过对现代通信设备供电系统的分析,阐述了分布式电源的设计要求。

    With the rapid development of distributed generators , the impact on power systems is not to be overlooked .

  13. 我的意思并不是我在那里所经历的美好的东西仅仅就只有这篇小文所说的这么多。

    I don 't mean to reduce all the wonderful things I experienced there to such a sort post .

  14. 这种方法涉及到一个小文书,这将打破石头到的一些小件。

    This method involves a small instrument , which will break down the stone into number of small pieces .

  15. 小文的落脚点在于怎样从中国传统乡土伦理中找出与当代农村人际关系的接通点。

    The end result of this paper is how local ethics from traditional Chinese to identify with the contemporary rural interpersonal connected points .

  16. 小文山碎云母矿的含矿岩石是一套以白云母钾长片麻岩为主体的变质岩,原岩为富硅高钾、低钙低镁的粘土质砂岩。

    The ore-bearing rock of the Xiaowenshan detrital mica mineral is a set metamorphic rock that main body rock is muscovite K-feldspar gneiss .

  17. 小文针对单级齿轮传动系统,综合考虑时变啮合刚度、齿侧间隙及误差激励的影响,建立了齿轮系统振动分析的单自由度非线性动力学模型,并分析了系统在参数激励下的响应。

    In this thesis a one-degree freedom nonlinear dynamic model of a gear system has been established considering the backlash , composite error and the time-varying stiffness .

  18. 但是这位深知如何出其不意得去触及人们灵魂的忧郁而敏感的音乐天才,却在圣彼得堡的司法部当一个小文书开始其(职业)生涯。

    Yet , this sad and sensitive musical genius who knew so well how to reach the human soul surprisingly began his career as a clerk in the St.

  19. 夏季最严热的日子逐渐走入尾声,小文金镇女贞路上硕大的方房子都笼罩在夏末的慵懒和宁静之中。

    The hottest day of the summer so far was drawing to a close and a drowsy silence lay over the large , square houses of Privet Drive .

  20. 小文对记者说道,随着时代的发展和交流方式的进步,同人们对自我的认同更加明确而且在时间上也更加提前。

    Xiaowen told reporters said that with the development of the times the way of progress and communication with people 's self-identity more clearly and more time in advance .