
dà shì jì
  • Memorabilia;chronicle of events;memoir
大事记 [dà shì jì]
  • [chronicle of events] 以时间先后为序记载重大事件的书籍或表格等材料

大事记[dà shì jì]
  1. 浅议《大事记》的编写方法和范围

    Discussion on the compiling method & recording range of a chronicle of events

  2. 《大事记》编写三题

    Three Topics on Compiling Chronicle of Events

  3. 近日,一台AppleI电脑的原型——可称得上是电子产品大事记中的圣杯级产品,拍出了81.5万美元。

    A prototype Apple 1 , a holy-grail item in electronics memorabilia , has been sold for $ 815000 .

  4. Stewart机床发展大事记

    Memorabilia of the Development of Stewart Machine Tool

  5. 围绕IC40年大事记的回顾,表明它已跨越了几个IC发展时代。

    The review that has strid several development age is expressed by the review around the chronicle of forty years of IC .

  6. 他用樱桃红的曼联足球俱乐部(manchesterunitedfootballclub)大事记来装点自己的办公室,说话还带着孩提时代那种浓重的平舌音。

    His office is decorated with splashes of cherry red memorabilia from Manchester United Football Club , and he still speaks with the thick , flattened vowels of his childhood .

  7. 根据美国周刊(USWeekly)的名人分手大事记,从阵亡将士纪念日(MemorialDay)起,至少有24对明星情侣分手,其中很多是八卦小报的固定报道对象。

    At least 24 star couples , many of them tabloid staples , have gone down for the count since Memorial Day , according to a recent US Weekly timeline on the topic .

  8. 他在一面空白的墙上展示施坦威大事记,开头是公司创始人亨利•E•施坦威(HenryE.Steinway)的肖像,他戴着大礼帽,拿着手杖。

    He turned an empty wall into a timeline of Steinway history , beginning with a portrait of Henry E. Steinway , the company 's founder , in a top hat and holding a cane .

  9. 他把假期中的大事记在每天的日记上。

    He keeps a diary of the events of his holidays .

  10. 中国钢铁行业重组并购大事记

    Regrouping and Mergers Acquisitions of China 's Iron and Steel Industry

  11. 企业大事记收录标准及编写中应注意的问题

    Inclusion Standard of Chronicle of Enterprise And Attention Paid in Editing

  12. 派出所大事记和组织沿革的编写

    On Writing Important Events Records of Police Substation and History of Organizations

  13. 山东与北荷兰交流与合作大事记

    Chronicles of Shandong 's Exchange and Cooperation with North Holland

  14. 共和党已经展示出它的皇室婚礼大事记。

    Republic has brought out its own royal wedding memorabilia .

  15. 中国海洋油气普查工作大事记

    Chronicle of oil and gas prospecting in China Seas

  16. 山东省与巴伐利亚州交往大事记

    Chronicle of Contacts between Shandong Province and Bavaria

  17. 左江水利枢纽工程建设大事记

    Construction memorabilia of the Zuojiang multi-purpose dam project

  18. 中国B股大事记

    Chronological Events of China 's Stock B Market

  19. 我在校园大事记上已经知道很多关于我们校长的信息。

    I had heard a lot about our Headmaster from the day 's events .

  20. 中国居住十年大事记(1993~2003年)

    Chronicle of Housing in China ( 1993-2003 )

  21. 高校大事记记载方法

    Event Accounting : the Direction of Finacial Accounting College & university memorabilia recordation methods

  22. 他会把他带到这儿来,过一遍他的精神病人大事记。

    He 's gonna bring him in here and go through his sicko memorabilia .

  23. 中华医学会医史学会60年大事记

    A chronicle of 60 years of Chinese society of medical history , chinese Medical Association

  24. 2005年7月环境保护大事记

    Chronicle of Environmental Events on July 2005

  25. 周虽旧邦其命维新&对北京申办2008年奥运会的文化学阐释申奥成功一周年大事记

    Cultural Interpreting of Beijing 2008 Olympic Bid Chronology : One Year after Successful Olympic Bid

  26. 日本汉方界及日中传统医学交流大事记

    Chronicle of Events on Traditional Chinese Medical Exchange in Japanese and Between Japanese and China

  27. 另外,本文还根据次贷危机大事记对出现波动溢出效应的原因进行了简单的分析。

    In addition , I analyse the reason of volatility spillover effects under the sub-prime crisis .

  28. 中国近现代教育大事记

    Memorabilia of Chinese Recent Education History

  29. 高校大事记的意义及编写

    Compilation of the chronicle in college

  30. 2004年玩具行业大事记

    Toy industry memorabilia for 2004