
  • 网络idea of universities;The Idea of a University;The Idea of the University
  1. 大学理念&从历史发展的角度

    The Idea of a University & the Viewpoint of Historical Development

  2. 大学理念大致有五个方面。

    The Idea of a university concerns five aspects .

  3. 诚信:大学理念之基元

    Honesty : The Basic Element of the Ideal of the University

  4. 大学理念与大学的发展和改革&兼论教师在高校中的地位与作用

    The Idea of University and the Development and Innovation of University

  5. 超越象牙塔:德里克·博克的大学理念

    Transcend the Ivory Tower : Derek Bok 's University Ideas

  6. 科学发展观与大学理念

    The Scientific View of Development and the Idea of University

  7. 基础教育课程改革视阈中的大学理念重塑

    Remould the Idea of University in the Field of Elementary Education Revolution

  8. 学术自由是现代大学理念的核心。

    Academic freedom is the core in the concept of modern university .

  9. 我国传统大学理念及其创造性转化研究

    On the Creative Transformation of Traditional University Ideas in China

  10. 建立以现代大学理念为基础的大学教学管理制度

    Constructing education management system founding modern idea of the University

  11. 树立大学理念,更新教学管理思想

    Foster the notion of university and update the ideology of teaching management

  12. 新世纪之际美国的大学理念&以美国著名大学校长就职演说为中心

    Ideas of Universities of America at the Beginning of the New Century

  13. 大学理念与我国高等教育管理体制改革

    The Idea of University and Reform of Management System of Higher Education

  14. 中世纪的大学理念及其对后世的影响

    The Idea of the University in the Middle Ages and Its Influence

  15. 大学理念的发展及其现实思考

    Think deeply in Development and Reality of the Idea of the University

  16. 纽曼大学理念述评

    A Review of the Idea of the University of John Henry Newman

  17. 现代大学理念要科学地把握其共性和个性两个方面的内涵;

    Modern idea of the university has two connotations : commonness and individuality .

  18. 论好大学理念

    On the Concept of " a good university "

  19. 大学理念与高等体育院校的发展

    Ideology of University and Development of Sport University or Institute of Physical Education

  20. 大学理念的发展、功能及其当代启示

    The Idea of the University : Its Development , Function and Contemporary Implications

  21. 大学理念与大学校园文化构建

    College Concept and the Establishment of College Campus Culture

  22. 大学理念是大学的灵魂。

    University ideal is the soul in a university .

  23. 经典大学理念内涵在当代的发展

    The Current Development of the Classic University Idea Connotation

  24. 一定的大学理念乃是一定时代的产物。

    A definite idea of the university is the product of the times .

  25. 学习型社会要求形成与之相对应的现代大学理念。

    A " learning society " requires a corresponding concept of the university .

  26. 哲学视野中的大学理念:反思与展望

    Reflection and prospect : the idea of the university from the philosophy perspective

  27. 对建设平民大学理念的分析与思考

    Analysis and Thought of Constructing " Civilian Universities "

  28. 大学理念,一直是教育思想家关注的话题。

    The idea of university has been a longstanding topic for educational thinkers .

  29. 蔡元培大学理念的现代性分析

    The Modernity Analysis of Cai Yuanpei 's College Concept

  30. 大学理念研究:问题与出路

    The Research of University Concepts : Problems and Outlets