
  1. 成都四大物流园区错位发展研究

    Research into dislocation development of four Chengdu logistics zones

  2. 一个知道手册可以很好地帮助你顺利游览这个比五公里还大的园区。

    A guide book will help you an easier and better journey at the park bigger than five square kilometers .

  3. 成都市四大物流园区具有不同的工商业基础和交通条件,应发挥各自的区位优势,进行正确的功能定位,以错位发展实现互补共赢。

    Four Chengdu logistics zones have different industrial basis and transportation conditions and should give free rein to each regional advantage and functional position and should realize double win by dislocation development .

  4. 最后从建设条件、功能定位和建设思路与重点等方面,确定了二大物流园区和三个物流配送中心的优化建设方案。

    Finally from the construction condition , function orientation and construction train of thought and key points , research put forward the logistics park two and three logistics distribution center optimization construction scheme .

  5. 最后对临沂市的现代物流发展战略进行了分析和展望,从临沂的实际出发,依托临沂区位交通和物流需求丰富的优势,加快建设三大物流园区。

    Finally , Linyi City , a modern logistics development strategy and outlook , from the reality of Linyi , Linyi , relying on regional transportation and logistics needs of the rich advantages , accelerate the construction of three logistics parks .

  6. 充分的应急预案为世博园区大客流环境下园区内外交通有序疏导和安全保障提供了保障。

    Adequate contingency plans for both inside and outside the park in the Expo area provided a guarantee for passenger environment traffic orderly grooming and security of the safeguards .

  7. 上海迪士尼是全世界范围内的第六家主题公园,由两家主题酒店和六大六大主题园区组成,其中还包含600到1000家快餐店,食堂和餐馆。

    Shanghai is Disney 's sixth resort worldwide , consisting of two themed hotels and six " lands " with 600 to 1000 food outlets , canteens and restaurants .

  8. 结合福建省南平市大横农业生态园区大型养猪场污水治理工程实践,表明该技术可以解决禽畜养殖业的废水污染问题。

    The practice of swine sewage treatment on large-scale farm in Nanping Daheng Agroecological Farm , showed that pollution problem in animal husbandry industry could be solved by such a route .

  9. 其中重点讲述了建设大湘南现代工业园区发展的工业与资源依托、遵循的原则、总体思路和发展目标、政策措施保障体系、主攻重点及关键环节。

    They take main focuses on the industry and resources relying and principle , overall thought and development goals , policy measures and guarantee system , main emphasis and key link on the construction of modern industrial park in big southern of Hunan .