
dà zhònɡ jié yùn xì tǒnɡ
  • Mass Rapid Transit System;public transportation system
  1. 现在,在高雄大众捷运系统的工人宿舍里,墙上甚至贴着泰国国王的画像,宿舍内还有平板电视,负责劳工政策的台湾高级官员LeeLai-hsi表示,他们的宗教和习惯必须得到尊重。

    In the dorms for the Kaohsiung MRT workers there are now even pictures of the Thai king on the walls and flat panel televisions , says Lee Lai-hsi , a senior labour policy official . Religion and their habits must be respected .

  2. 我们很高兴台北的大众捷运系统已在施工中。

    We are glad Taipei 's mass transit system is under way now .

  3. 政府为大众捷运系统花下钜资。

    The government spent huge amounts of money on the mass rapid transit system .

  4. 酒店通过步行桥直达轻轨(曼谷大众捷运系统)站,刚好位于曼谷丰富多彩的购物区。

    Ideally situated in Bangkok 's colorful shopping , business and entertainment center , the Asia Hotel has long been popular with both business travelers and tourists .

  5. 酒店还靠近曼谷大众捷运系统的轻轨线,客人可以轻松前往曼谷各个著名购物中心和集市。

    The hotel is also near the BTS sky train line , thereby providing guests easy access to the various shopping centers and markets that Bangkok is famous for .