
  • 网络certificate of deposit
  1. 目前,中国的大额存单要求,个人投资者认购起点金额不低于30万元人民币,机构投资者认购起点金额不低于1000万元人民币。

    Chinese certificates of deposit currently require a minimum investment of Rmb30000 for individuals and Rmb10m for companies .

  2. 中国央行在上周五发布的季度货币政策报告中表示,今年6月和7月,中国各银行向企业和个人发行了6820亿元人民币大额存单。

    Chinese lenders issued Rmb682bn in certificates of deposit to companies and individuals in June and July , the PBoC said in its quarterly monetary policy report published on Friday .

  3. 美国证交会(SEC)周二指控艾伦爵士操纵了一项80亿美元的计划,涉及通过斯坦福国际银出售大额存单。据称,这些大额存单承诺了不大可能且不切实际的高利率。

    The US Securities and Exchange Commission accused Sir Allen on Tuesday of operating an alleged $ 8bn scheme involving certificates of deposits sold through SIB that allegedly promised improbable and unsubstantiated high interest rates .

  4. 我们经营大额存单、金融期货和金银块买卖。

    CDs , financial futures and bullion .

  5. 他们中的大部人将大量现金以大额存单、低收益债券,可以在共同基金内部买卖的共同基金,以及一点私人股票的形式进行投资。

    Most have lots of cash in CDs , low-yield bonds , mutual funds that can BE traded within a mutual-fund family , and a few individual stocks .

  6. 最近几个月发售的银行大额存单,利率比基准利率高40%。这一利率仍低于一般存款的法定上限,但高于大型银行一般存款的实际存款利率。

    Bank certificates of deposit were sold in recent months at 40 per cent above the benchmark - still below the legal limit for normal deposits but above the rate big banks are actually offering for normal deposits .

  7. 中国央行透露,今年第二季度,中国多家银行首次以不受监管的利率面向公众发行大额存单。在中国政府展开的让市场力量成为资金成本决定因素的努力中,此举有着里程碑式的意义。

    Chinese lenders sold certificates of deposit to the public at unregulated interest rates for the first time in the second quarter , the central bank has revealed , marking a milestone in the government 's push to let market forces set the price of money .

  8. 银行票据、大额可转让存单等货币市场产品;

    Money market products including bank bills and negotiable certificates of deposit ;

  9. 发行大额可转让存单,拓宽其资金来源渠道,用以鼓励外资银行增加在中国的人民币贷款业务。

    The new regulations will authorize foreign banks to issue CDs and open up more channels of funding sources so as to encourage foreign banks to increase RMB loans in China .

  10. 货币市场基金是共同基金的一种,它汇集了众多的小额投资,集中投资于短期货币市场工具如商业票据、短期国库券和大额可转让存单等。

    Money Market Fund ( MMF ) is one of the main categories mutual funds , it paid market-based rates by investing the small sums gathered from many customers in short-term market instruments-primarily commercial paper and Treasury securities and in large certificates of deposit .

  11. 保险资金可以投资的品种包括银行存款、商业票据、银行票据、大额可转让存单、债券、货币市场基金、债券型基金、股票、全球存托凭证、美国存托凭证、股票型基金等。

    Insurance funds , under the draft , may invest in varieties including bank deposit , commercial notes , bank paper , large-value convertible deposit receipts , bonds , money market funds , bond-based funds , shares , global depository receipts , American Depository Receipts and stock-based funds .

  12. 议大额可转让定期存单转让价格的计算

    A Discussion on Count of Large Number Negotiable Certificates of Time Deposit Enfeoff Price

  13. 大额可转让定期存单作为最早的金融创新,在国际上对金融市场的发展曾经产生了非常重要影响。

    As the earliest financial innovation , negotiable CDs has inserted great influence on development of international financial market .