
  • 网络David Ricardo;Ricardo, David
  1. 简评大卫·李嘉图战费筹措思想

    The Thought of David Ricardo on the War Expenditure

  2. 大卫·李嘉图百年评价后来的经济学家在许多方面引申了李嘉图的分析。

    David Ricardo : A Centenary Estimate Subsequent writers extended Ricardo 's analysis in a number of directions .

  3. 第一章主要介绍了本文涉及的基本理论,目的是使论文建立在坚实的理论基础上,主要有亚当·斯密、大卫·李嘉图、李斯特等人的国际贸易理论,以及利益集团理论。

    Chapter one introduces the basic theory that involved in the essay and it makes the paper on a solid theoretical base .

  4. 我国经贸理论界一直推崇大卫·李嘉图的关于国际分工与贸易展开的原因及其利益所在的比较优势理论。

    The Theory of Comparative Advantage proposed by David Richardo which explains the reasons of international division and trade and the benefits of the same has been praised highly by China 's economical experts .

  5. 最早的农业增长理论是由大卫·李嘉图提出的古典农业增长动态理论,强调的是资本积累对农业经济增长的决定性作用。

    The earliest agricultural growth theory by David Ricardo · proposed by the classical theory of dynamic growth in agriculture , stressed that the accumulation of capital in agriculture decisive role in economic growth .

  6. 本文较全面、系统地回顾了价值价格理论的历史发展,分别概述了亚当·斯密、大卫·李嘉图、马克思、庞巴维克、马尔的价值价格理论。

    This paper , first of all , systematically explores the historic development of the value price theory , including the theory of Adam Smith , David Ricardo , Marx , B ǒ hm - B · werk and Marshal .