
Therefore it has more important significance to make further research in the sharp slope mining technology .
Large soil animals are important sign for st ages of the reclamation of ecological environment of mine abandoned .
Today the transport system used in Dagushan iron Mine possesses four forms consisted of the rail , truck and belt conveyor .
Its single system industrial test in No.2 workshop achieved ideal metallurgical performances , providing a reliable basis for the future technical transformation design .
The ore matching ratio of iron concentrate of30 ∶ 70 in Anqian mining company and Dagushan dressing plant can meet the demand of pellet production at each indicator .
We established a shipping oil spill risk evaluation model that integrated analytic hierarchy process into multilevel gray evaluation method , then applied this model to the task of getting accident probability of this oil tanker and better identifying shipping risk .
Establish the conceptual model , logical model and physical model of cost subject . The manufacturing process and the factors of the cost are analyzed . The star-like topology is designed including the production facts table and other dimensional tables ;