
  • 网络ArchMage;Arch Mage;The Exorcist
  1. 大法师摩迪沙尔·永夜:力量的诱惑确实是难以抵挡。

    Archmage Mordent Evenshade : The lure of power is great .

  2. 只因为你被尊称为大法师,就把我当作乡野术士了?

    Because you are called Archmage , do you take me for a village sorcerer ?

  3. 难道你不知道大法师会给你勇气?

    Don 't you know the wizard will give you courage ?

  4. 万岁!我们出发去见大法师吧!

    Hooray ! We 're off to see a wizard !

  5. 今晚你要披什么披风哪&大法师的紫色披风?

    What mantle will you wear tonight & the purple of royal magus ?

  6. 我会把你的信交给大法师。

    I 'll take your letter to the archmagus .

  7. 大法师摩迪沙尔·永夜:哨兵,我想见见高阶女祭司。

    Archmage Mordent Evenshade : Sentinel , I would speak with your High Priestess .

  8. 现在那个密室是那么空洞,大法师们几乎不能在那一片朦胧中站直。

    Now the chamber is hollow , the magisters barely standing in a haze .

  9. 即使像贡夫•班瑞这样的大法师也不得不谨慎挑选自己的情妇。

    Even one such as Gromph Baenre had to choose his playmates with discretion .

  10. 试试看对大法师说这些话!

    Try saying that to the archmagus !

  11. 我们想求见大法师!

    We want to see the wizard !

  12. 大法师会解释它!

    The wizard will explain it !

  13. 当一个象这小子那样的大法师,那也太容易,太没出息了!

    How easy and cheap it was to be a great magician on this fellow 's terms !

  14. 对大法师们使用微微发光的容器,装满它并回到银月城的骑士领主布拉德维勒那里。

    Use the Shimmering Vessel on the Magisters to fill it and return to Knight-Lord Bloodvalor in Silvermoon City .

  15. 他那招牌式的打法即是由大法师,兽王,民兵,箭塔外加难以计数的召唤生物倾巢出击并一举压倒对手。

    His trademark move is an all out attack with the Archmage , Beastmaster , militia , towers and numerous summoned creatures to overwhelm the opponent .

  16. 不用担心那些大法师。我会照看他们的,并且索拉纳领主大人向我保证莉亚德琳女士现在找到了新的力量之源。

    Do not worry about the magisters . I have seen to their care , and Lord Solanar assures me that Lady Liadrin seeks a new source of power even now .

  17. 不过他没有另外披上大法师披风&谣传他觊觎这个头衔已久,然而罗伽大人基于自己的原因一直没有首肯授予。

    He did not , however , wear in addition the mantle of royal magus & a title he had , according to rumor , long coveted but one which Lord Rogar , for reasons of his own , refused to grant .