
bǐ qiū ní
  • nun;Bhiksuni;Buddhist nun
比丘尼 [bǐ qiū ní]
  • [梵Bhiksuni;nun] 佛教出家五众之一,指已受具足戒的女性,尼姑

比丘尼[bǐ qiū ní]
  1. 第三部分,分析碑志文中的相关材料,管窥中唐比丘尼之情况及社会教育状况。

    The third part , dealed with the situations of the Buddhist nun and the education in Mid-Tang through analyzing relevant information in the records of events inscribed on tablets .

  2. 事情发生经过如下,六零年间嬉皮年代,当JuneCampbell在苏格兰家乡成为一名佛教徒后,她接着就旅行到印度并在那里出家成为比丘尼。

    What happened was that , having become a Buddhist in her native Scotland in the hippie Sixties , she travelled to India where she became a nun .

  3. 在常规意义上,僧伽指出家的比丘与比丘尼组成的团体。

    In a conventional sense , Sangha denotes the communities of ordained monks and nuns .

  4. 比丘尼妙信说:既非风动,也非幡动,何以心动?

    Bhiksuni Miaoxin said : since neither wind blowing nor streamers flying , how does mind fly ?

  5. 如果出现任何错漏,都是愚痴的比丘尼强帕的过失,敬请原谅!

    All of the mistakes are the fault of the bumbling Bhiksuni called Jampa Chodron , so please forgive me .

  6. 家庭成员也同样参加比丘尼的丧事、为其修建灰身塔并撰写铭文等。

    Family members also participated in funeral things for Buddhist nuns , as well as built gray towers and wrote posies .

  7. 于是我去请教两位比丘尼,想要澄清我的疑惑;

    So I went to explain my situation to2 of the nuns , to try to get some clarity on the situation .

  8. 本文对吐蕃归义军时期敦煌尼寺常住财产的收入与支出、尼寺的社会功能以及比丘尼的经济状况进行了分析与研究。

    This paper has analysis and research the resident property income and expenditure , social function and the Buddhist nuns'economic situation of Dunhuang Buddhist nunneries .

  9. 这两位比丘尼了解我的情况,慈悲地告诉我说:许多人出家,通常是在过去生中发过愿,要再回来当僧尼。

    The nuns , understanding my naivet é, kindly explained that many people who enter monastic life , usually make vows in past lives to return as monks or nuns .

  10. 尼僧,是指专门从事佛教活动的出家女性,包括沙弥尼、式叉尼和比丘尼。

    The nuns refer to the women who are engaged in the activities of Buddhist in their full lives , including novices Niger , Nigeria and nuns of the fork .

  11. 据我所知,法鼓山的僧团里,虽然比丘尼的戒律中涵盖了「八敬法」,但是圣严法师并未要求法鼓山的比丘尼,与比丘互动时必须遵守八敬法。

    Within the monastic Sangha of Dharma Drum mountain , I was told , while these eight precepts are included in the full precepts taken by bhikshunis , Master Sheng Yen does not require that bhikshunis follow them in their interactions with bhikshus .