
  • 网络Amon Ra;gan
比干 [bǐ gàn]
  • [Bigan] 商代贵族,纣王叔父,官少师。相传因屡谏纣王,被剖心而死

  • 伍子逢殃兮, 比干菹醢。--《楚辞.屈原.涉江》

  1. 在湿氧氧化中抛物线速率常数B比干氧氧化中的大得多。

    The parabolic rate constant B is substantially larger for wet oxidation than for dry .

  2. [结果]168例拇指再造病人经系统的心理干预后,SCL-90评分接近常模,且抑郁、焦虑检出率比干预前下降。

    Results : After systematic mental interventions , SCL-90 scores of patients were close to common mode . And detection rates of depression and anxiety among them apparently decreased .

  3. 湿态的AGM隔板由于表面张力的作用,其弹性压力要比干态隔板约低10kPa。

    Owing to the surface tension , the elasticity pressure of the wet state of separator lowers 10 kPa than that of dry state of separator .

  4. 在目前这个难以筹措到新资金的时期,Geron公司决定集中力量进行抗癌疗法的研究,希望这项研究的商业前景比干细胞研究的商业前景好。

    At a time when it is hard to raise new capital , the firm has decided to concentrate on anticancer therapies that , it hopes , are nearer to being commercial propositions than the stem-cell study is .

  5. 再也没有比干你爱干的工作更称心的事了。

    There 's nothing more satisfying than doing the work you love .

  6. 结果表明,超细粉碎黄铁矿时,湿磨的粉碎效果比干磨好;

    The results indicate that wet grinding is better than dry grinding .

  7. 时间(英文)得到以下结论:湿骨电压滞后现象比干骨更为明显;

    The wet bone 's hysteresis time was more obvious .

  8. 湿调整比干调整产生的垂直速度更大;

    The moist adjustment has a greater vertical velocity .

  9. 在相同的温度下,活着的植物要比干植物释放的沼气少。

    Living plants release less methane than dried plants at the same temperature .

  10. 一路上他们吵架的时间比干正事的时间还要多。

    They wasted more time arguing than looking .

  11. 比干被纣王以剖心之刑处死,就是一个血淋淋的例子。

    Bigan 's heart was dug out by King of Zhou , which was a bloody case .

  12. 干的辉长岩样品比干的辉绿岩样品发生脆延性转化的温度高100℃;

    The temperature of brittle ductile transition of dry gabbro is 100 ℃, higher than that of dry diabase .

  13. 湿式切削比干式切削刀具耐用度高1~2倍。

    The tool 1 : fe could be double or much longer in wet machining than in dry machining .

  14. 鲜贻贝肉的蛋白质消化率比干品的高得多。

    The digestibility of fresh meat of Mytilus edulis - was much higher than that of the dried one .

  15. 结果社区人群的控烟知识、态度、行为都比干预前有较大的提高。

    Results After intervention , the knowledge , attitude , behaviors of smoking control among community populations improved a lot than before .

  16. 巴菲特一直说除非身体或者精神上有问题,否则他还是觉得每天去公司想法赚更多钱比干别的什么都好。

    Buffett has repeatedly said he has no intention of quitting at Berkshire anytime soon because he loves his work so much .

  17. 其实,前体细胞应比干细胞的潜能局限,而且,前体是一个不很严格的术语,指在发育过程中较一个细胞早的任何细胞。

    " Precursor " is a less stringent term that refers to any cell that is earlier in a developmental pathway than another .

  18. 膨化料比干烤鼠料硬、不易破碎,浪费少。用膨化料饲喂生长、繁殖实验小鼠,也获得了同干烤鼠料相同的饲喂效果。

    In animal test , the two kinds of diet have the same feeding effects when they are fed to growing and reproductive mice .

  19. 结果干预后摊贩的性病艾滋病的知识回答正确率介于37.4%~88.6%,普遍比干预前提高10%左右。

    The rates of correctly answering questions about STD / AIDS were 37.4 % ~ 88.6 % , which were about 10 % higher than before .

  20. 鼓励面试官触摸和滑动信息,这比干坐在那里说话更生动,也更有趣。

    Encourage the interviewer to touch and swipe the information , which is more active and more interesting than just sitting and talking , Rosenthal says .

  21. 结果干预治疗后癫痫儿童的相关生活质量评分比干预前有明显提高(P<0.05)。

    Results showed that after intervention , the life quality score of epileptic children were markedly higher than that before intervention ( P < 0.05 ) .

  22. 他的叔叔比干来劝他,商纣却把他的心挖出来看看是什么样子。

    His uncle Bi Gan similarly remonstrated with him , but Shang Zhou had his heart ripped out so he could see what the heart of a sage looked like .

  23. 超细粉碎使黄铁矿中的硫部分氧化成了硫酸根,湿磨过程中的氧化程度比干磨的小。

    The oxidation degree of wet grinding which means the number of sulfur in the pyrite oxidized into SO ~ ( 2 - ) _4 is smaller than that of dry grinding .

  24. 从前桀杀关龙逢,纣杀王子比干的事都是都说明了下属忤逆上级之意是既不智而且危险的举动;就算是出于爱民之心也是一样。

    Of old , Jie murdering Guang Longfen and Zhou slaying Prince Bigan illuminate that disobedience to the superior is both unwise and dangerous , even its originates are from the love to people .

  25. 并且以复合因素处理比单因素处理好;植株花粉母细胞减数分裂期处理比干种子处理的好。

    And the treatment with combined factors was better than that with a single factor , and the treatment during the meiosis of pollen mother cells of plant was better than the treatment of dry seeds .

  26. 实验发现,碘化银产生播撒效果的临界温度比干冰略低(碘化银为-5℃到-10℃,而干冰为-3℃到-4℃)。

    It was found that a slightly colder threshold for seeding effect to occur for silver iodide than for dry ice ( - 5 to-10 ℃ for silver iodide versus-3 to-4 ℃ for dry ice ) .

  27. 结果:干预后育龄人群对有关出生缺陷知识及基线答对率(83±3.6)%比干预前(42±6.5)%有显著提高(P<0.01)。

    Results : There is remarkable promotion on knowledge and basic right reply rate of birth defects ( P < 0.01 ) after intervention ( 83 ± 3.6 ) % than before intervention ( 42 ± 6.5 ) % .

  28. 干预后,大学生生殖健康知识、态度得分均有所提高,但是对避孕相关知识的正确率依然在3.0%以下,半年内发生性行为的人数比干预前有所下降。

    After the intervention , college students ' reproductive health knowledge , attitude scores were improved , but the contraceptive knowledge remained below 3 % . The students have sex behavior in the past half a year were decreased obviously .

  29. 变黄阶段:干球起点温度为32~35℃,变黄期间温度36~38℃,变黄完成温度38~42℃,湿球温度比干球温度低1~4℃;

    In yellowing stage : the temperature of dry-bulb was 32-35 ℃ at the beginning , 36-38 ℃ in the duration and 38-42 ℃ at the end , the temperature of wet-bulb was 1-4 ℃ lower than that of dry-bulb ;

  30. 干预后促进的产前诊断比干预前提高了37%,每2.7例产前诊断就有1例是由于预措施促成,并避免了4例重型地贫儿的出生。

    The percentage of ones who received prenatal diagnosis improve 37 % after the thalassanemia intervention , and 1 case among every 2.7 cases receiving prenatal diagnosis was achieved because of the intervention . 4 babies with severe thalassanemia were avoided .