
  • 网络Bizet;George Bizet
  1. 本章分为四部分,第一部分主要是概述比才的生平及其著名歌剧和特点,并认真分析歌剧《卡门》的创作特色。

    This chapter can divided into four subsections : section 1 is about the introduction to Georges Bizet and the characteristics of his famous opera and makes a serious analysis about creative features of the opera ' Carmen ' .

  2. 法国大作曲家比才(GeorgesBizet,1838-1875),是歌剧史上最受欢迎的作曲家之一。

    Georges Bizet ( 1838-1875 ), French composer , is one of the most popular composers in the history of opera .

  3. 在剧院里,他们正在演出比才的作品《卡门》。

    Inside the theatre , they were giving a performance of Bizet 's Carmen .

  4. 利兹和雅各比才是他想要的。

    The Leeds and the jacobis are what he needs .

  5. 只有仓壁为刚性时压力比才是常数。

    K is constant only for rigid bin wall .

  6. 她宣称直到1996年科斯比才对她进行了检查,总计花费15000美元。

    She claims that he gave her checks until 1996 , totaling $ 15000 .

  7. 比才:法国作曲家,尤其闻名于其歌剧《卡门》(1875年)。

    Bizet : French composer known especially for his opera Carmen ( 1875 ) .

  8. 轧制量大于40%时,协调比才逐渐接近于1。

    When the rolling reduction is higher than 40 % , the coordinate deformation ratio was similar to 1 .

  9. 歌剧《卡门》是比才最具代表性的作品,也是世界舞台上久负盛名的保留剧目。

    As the most remarkable work by Bizet , the opera " Carmen " remains a reputed repertoire in the theatres across the world .

  10. 其次为对出诸比才天才手笔的歌剧《卡门》音乐的分析,基本上按幕顺序论述并附重要的谱例;

    The second aims at the musical analysis of the opera " Carmen " by Bizet , mainly according to the order of the opera and attaching the important music scores .

  11. 在这部歌剧中,比才塑造了一个个栩栩如生的人物形象,如:男女主角卡门与唐·何塞,以及米卡埃拉、斗牛士等。

    In this opera , Bizet created one after another lifelike characters , such as , Carmen and Don Jose , the hero and the heroine , Micaela , Matador , etc. .

  12. 同一汉语水平组的维吾尔族预科生,副词就各义项习得的偏误率之间的差距要比才的差距大。

    For the Uygur students in same level of Chinese , the gap of the error rate among the various meanings acquisition of adverb " jiu " is bigger than " car " .

  13. 文章主体四个章节具体是:第一章主要介绍比才的生平和音乐创作特点;第二章解读歌剧《卡门》,主要从四个方面进行探究。

    The four chapters of the main body of the paper are specifically as follow : The first chapter introduced the life of Bizet and summarized his music style and characteristics ; Second Chapter inquired the opera " Carmen " mainly from four aspects .

  14. 它以强烈的戏剧冲突、独特的西班牙民族音乐风格、丰富的和声和配器手法、鲜明的人物性格塑造征服了全世界的观众,也使比才仅仅因为一部歌剧而跻身世界著名作曲家之列。

    It conquered the world audience by the strong dramatic conflicts , the unique style of folk music of Spain , rich harmonies and orchestration techniques , the distinctive characterization , and also made Bizet rank among the world famous composers because of an opera but only .