
fù hé mínɡ cí
  • compound noun
  1. 复合名词作宾语和状语的条件分析

    A Study on the Conditions of Compound Noun Used as Object and Adverbial

  2. 述宾式复合名词的构造过程

    Construction process of predicate-object compound noun

  3. 综上,本文对“V-ing”复合名词特点的研究成果有一定的理论意义和实用价值,也为今后英语教学提供一些借鉴。

    In summary , the findings of this research that possess certain theoretical significance and practical value , would be tentative for the study in the field of English Teaching in the future .

  4. 第四章主要分析英语复合名词的词化过程。

    Chapter Four analyzes the lexicalization process of English compound nouns .

  5. 英汉语中N+N复合名词的图式解读

    The Schematic View of N + N Compounds in English and Chinese

  6. 俄语中带пол的复合名词的性

    The Gender of Compound Nouns with пол in Russian Synopsis

  7. 汉语向心复合名词没有固定的中心位置。

    The head of Chinese endocentric compound nouns is not fixed in place .

  8. 英汉复合名词比较及其教学

    Comparison and Teaching of English and Chinese Compound Nouns

  9. 英语复合名词和复合形容词的结构及其内在的语法关系

    The external structures of English compound nouns and adjectives and their internal grammatical relationships

  10. 名名复合名词现象不仅存在于英语和汉语语言,而且对所有在内普遍语言中都有所存在。

    Noun-noun compound is common in a variety of human languages including English and Chinese .

  11. 因此,对英语复合名词的研究具有很强的理论价值。

    So there is much value in theory in the study of English compound nouns .

  12. 英汉离心复合名词都通过隐喻和转喻的手段来扩展词义。

    English and Chinese exocentric compound nouns both expand their meaning through metaphor and metonymy .

  13. 然后,对比分析英汉复合名词的语义关系。

    Then , the thesis contrasts the semantic relations of English and Chinese compound nouns .

  14. (用以构成复合名词)

    - in-chief ( forming compound ns )

  15. 这都反映出英汉语在使用结构关系构造复合名词时的不同特点。

    These reflect English and Chinese have different characteristics in composing compound nouns with internal structure relations .

  16. 从形态结构看,英语复合名词中的修饰词可以是名词、动词,也可以是形容词或副词等。

    Morphologically , the modifiers may be nouns , verbs , adjectives ( including participles ) and adverbs .

  17. 所有N+N复合名词均有结构中心,其缺省位置居右。

    All N + N structures have a structural head , with its default position on the right .

  18. Vape也是其他名词的修饰语,创建了越来越多的新流行的复合名词。

    Vape is also the modifier for other nouns , creating new compound nouns which are growing in popularity .

  19. 第二章,从向位格间接宾语、凭借格间接宾语、从比格间接宾语等三个方面解析了复合名词做作间接宾语的条件。

    The second chapter , from three aspects , analyses and lists the conditions of indirect object of compound nouns .

  20. 英语向心复合名词多是右中心的,即右边的成分是整个复合名词的中心语义。

    English endocentric compound nouns are mostly right-headed . The right component determines the central meaning of the compound noun .

  21. 定冠词+名词可以构成新的复合名词,在特定的语境中表达特定的概念。

    The + Noun structure acts as a compound noun , which expresses a specific concept in a specific context .

  22. 英汉离心复合名词的异同主要表现在结构形式和构词手法上。

    English and Chinese exocentric compound nouns have similarities and differences in the form of structure and techniques of word formation .

  23. 名名复合名词由名词词素构成的复合名词用来对新事物或新概念命名。

    The noun-noun compound refers to the word which consists of two or more nominal morphemes to express a novel concept .

  24. 图式只是为理解复合名词提供可参考的背景信息,而不是规定字面意义。

    A schema is to provide the background information for understanding compounds , rather than determine the exact meaning of the compounds .

  25. 本文针对蒙古文信息处理的实际需要,用形式化的方法对复合名词作间接宾语和状语的条件进行了分析。

    Aiming at the practical requirements of MLIP , this essay states the conditions of compound noun used as indirect object and adverbial .

  26. 最后,本文还探讨了复合名词的模糊问题,并对英汉复合名词翻译进行了论述。

    Finally , the thesis analyzes the issue of ambiguity of complex nominal compounds and translation of nominal compounds from English into Chinese .

  27. 新词:论定中式复合名词的构词模式与构造过程

    Attribute set ; On Constitution Attribute Newly - Invented Words : Talk on the Construction Pattern and Process of the Attribute - Centered Compound Nouns

  28. 本文根据这主要五种方式,从概念隐喻或概念转喻理论分析名名复合名词生成认知机制。

    According to the five ways above , this thesis manages to analyze cognitive mechanism of noun-noun compounds from the perspectives of conceptual metaphor and conceptual metonymy .

  29. 由此可窥该书复合名词之全豹及其在汉语发展史上的传承纽带作用。

    Thus it can be seen the panorama of the compounding nouns in this book and its important function as carrying forward and ligament in Chinese phylogeny .

  30. 第五章是全文的核心,主要以概念整合理论为视角,阐释英语复合名词的词化过程。

    Chapter Five , the core of this thesis , endeavors to interpret the lexicalization of English compound nouns within the framework of the Conceptual Integration Theory .