
  1. WTO与大学通识教育

    WTO and General Knowledge Education in University

  2. 当前美国研究型大学通识教育课程研究

    A Study on Current American Research Universities ' General Education Curriculum

  3. 武汉大学通识教育调查与分析报告

    Report on Investigation and Analysis of General Education in Wuhan University

  4. 从人的需要层次理论看大学通识课程的设置

    Analysis on General Education for Undergraduates with Hierarchical Theory of Needs

  5. 大学通识教育课程实施的困境与思考

    Difficulties and Reflection on Implementing General Education Course in the College

  6. 美国大学通识教育评价研究

    Research on the Assessment of General Education in American Colleges

  7. 大学通识教育的理论与实践初探

    Elementary Study on the Theory and Practice of General Education in Universities

  8. 教学实务:大学通识教育的重要环节

    Teaching Practice : an Important Link in College General Education

  9. 大同大学通识教育中心助理教授;

    Assistant Professor , General Education Center , Tatung University ;

  10. 美国加州州立大学通识教育对我们的启示

    Enlightenments from the general education practice of California State University

  11. 第三,论文对大学通识教育课程进行了系统研究。

    Thirdly , this thesis systematically studies the curriculum in general education .

  12. 无学科界面的大学通识教育模式及其构建

    A no-subject interface model and content structure of general education in university

  13. 大学通识教育课程设计与评价体系的研究

    A Study of Curriculum Structure Designs and Evaluates about General Education in University

  14. 大学通识教育的基本理念和课程规划

    The Basic Ideas and A Curricular Design on General Education in the University

  15. 试论中国大学通识教育体系之发展(1978-2005)

    On the Development of General Education System in Chinese Universities ( 1978-2005 );

  16. 后大众化时代的美国研究型大学通识教育发展研究

    Research on the General Education Development of American Research University in the Post-mass-access Time

  17. 20世纪90年代以来美国研究型大学通识教育课程的革新

    A Study of General Education Curriculum Reforms Conducted by American Research Universities Since 1990s

  18. 综合性大学通识课与素质教育

    Common Cognition Lesson and Quality Education in University

  19. 大学通识教育课程设置与优化探讨&以地方本科院校为例

    On the Design and Optimization of the Curriculum for General Education in Local Undergraduate Universities

  20. 大学通识教育的文化困境与会通创新方式

    The Difficulties on the Culture of General Education of Universities and the Innovating Methods of Culture

  21. 实行通识教育培养全人警官&台湾中央警察大学通识教育及其启示

    General Education and Holistic Policeman & Enlightenment from the General Education in Taiwan Central Police Univers

  22. 武术创新教学方法在大学通识类选修课教学中的实验研究

    The Research on the Innovative Teaching Methods in University Elective Class about General Education Kinds Wushu

  23. 研究结果表明:①华中师范大学通识教育实施效果良好。

    The results show that : ① the General Education of Central China Normal University has achieved success .

  24. 第三部分:后大众化时代美国研究型大学通识教育发展的生态环境解析。

    Third part : The post-mass-access time US research university 's ecological environment analysis of general education development .

  25. 试论大学通识教育实践&以香港中文大学下属学院为例全球化时代我国大学通识教育的发展策略

    Practice of University General Education The Development Strategy on Chinese University General Education in the Era of Globalization

  26. 中国大学通识教育理念及制度的构建反思:1995~2005

    Reflection on the Philosophy and the Operational System of General Education in Chinese Universities : 1995 ~ 2005

  27. 重视异质文化的交流与理解&全球化时代大学通识教育的新使命

    Emphasizing the communication with and understanding of alien culture & the new mission of general education in globalization era

  28. 目前中国的大学通识课程薄弱是大学文化缺失的原因之一。

    The weak general-knowledge courses offered at Chinese universities at present have resulted in a lack of college culture .

  29. 对异质文化的理解与尊重,应成为全球化时代大学通识教育的新使命和新目标。

    Understanding and respect to alien culture should become the new mission and objective of general education in globalization era .

  30. 全球化时代大学通识教育的新挑战&以台湾高校为例

    On the New Challenges Facing the All-knowledge Education at College in the Process of Globalization : A Case Study in Taiwan