
  1. 热喷涂电刷镀技术在冶金设备零部件修复中的应用

    Application of the Hot-spraying Coating to parts Renovation in the Metallurgical Equipments

  2. 介绍了比较适用于石油机械零部件修复的氧-乙炔火焰喷焊和等离子弧喷焊工艺特点及工具设备。

    The technological characteristics and equipment for flame welding and plasma arc welding are introduced .

  3. 目前在零部件修复研究过程中,已经将电镀技术与热喷涂、离子注入、激光微处理等等其他表面技术相结合,各项技术间取长补短。

    Currently , in the course of repairing parts studied electroplating technology has been combined with thermal spraying , ion implantation , laser micro-processing surface technology .

  4. 工业试验证明能满足某些工作在高温状态冶金工业设备零部件的堆焊修复后的使用性能。

    Industrial practice have proved that be satisfied with hardfacing reparation for the parts of metallurgical equipment in high-temperature state .

  5. 适用于某些在高温状态使用的冶金工业设备零部件的堆焊修复。

    The applications of hardfacing in the reparation of the parts of metallurgical equipment used at high temperature were also described .

  6. 由于微纳米润滑材料和技术在解决机械零部件磨损自修复、延长其使用寿命和减少能源消耗具有的重要意义,设计新型润滑体系日益受到国内外的广泛关注。

    Since micro-nanometer lubricating material and technique possess significant meaning to machine parts in wear repairing , prolonging working life and reducing energy consuming , it is an increasing tendency for scientists to design novel lubricating system .