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dà ān
  • Da'an;great peace
大安 [dà ān]
  • [recovery;restored to health] 身体康复

  1. 顺颂大安。

    With best wishes for your health .

  2. 本文以低渗透油田大安北部A、B两个典型区块为研究目标区。

    In this paper , the goal blocks for the study area are Block A and B two typical blocks in the north Daan , a low-permeability oil field .

  3. 应用PETREL三维地质建模软件,建立了大安A区块的三维模型以及孔隙度、渗透率、含油饱和度等模型。

    Through PETREL 3-D geological modeling software , the structural model and property models within porosity , permeability , oil saturation and etc are established .

  4. 这位名叫波阿的老妇是会说波族语的最后一人,也是大安达曼部落年龄最大的成员,安达曼卫生部副主任R.C.卡尔上周五接受记者采访时称。

    Boa Sr , the85-year-old last speaker of " Bo ," was the oldest member of the Great Andamanese tribe , R.C.Kar , deputy director of Tribal Health in Andaman , told reporters on Friday .

  5. 河南大安玄武岩生产连续纤维的可利用性探讨

    Explore the Availability of Henan Daan Basalt Manufacturing Basalt Continuous Fibers

  6. 大安颗粒的镇静、催眠作用

    Experimental study on sedative and hypnotic effects of Da ' an granule

  7. 大安地区异常压力地层安全钻井技术研究

    Research into Safe Drilling Technology in Formations Abnormal Pressure in Da'an Area

  8. 午餐后,你可以在大安森林公园里散散步。

    After lunch , take a long walk through Da An Park .

  9. 强抑制性聚合醇防塌钻井液在大安地区的应用

    Application of Inhibitive Polyglycol Drilling Fluid in Da'an Area

  10. 吉林大安油田储层裂缝的综合评价

    Comprehensive evaluation of fractures in Daan oil field

  11. 不对不起大安先生

    No. I 'm sorry , Mr. Daan .

  12. 大安古河道盐碱土类型与开发利用模式研究

    Research on the types and exploitation models of saline soil in Da'an Ancient Riverway

  13. 初论大安石棉矿的构造控制

    Structural control over the Da'an asbestos deposit

  14. 吉林大安油田开发对周边农田土壤影响的研究

    Study of Effection on Soil aroud FarmLand by Exploited Oil Field in Daan , Jilin

  15. 这里是大安商业银行。

    This is Dan An Commercial Bank .

  16. 卡尔称,波族语是大安达曼部落使用的十种语言之一。

    Kar said Bo was one of the ten dialects used by the Great Andamanese tribe .

  17. 某地铀矿及其构造控制作用初论大安石棉矿的构造控制

    On Uranium-Ores and Structural Control in a Certain Area STRUCTURAL CONTROL OVER THE Da'An ASBESTOS DEPOSIT

  18. 吉林省大安市井灌工程及节水灌溉技术的研究

    Study on Technigue of Water Saving Irrigation and Well Irrigation Projects for Daan City of Jinn Province

  19. 目的考察大安颗粒对动物自发活动和对戊巴比妥钠催眠作用的影响,观察其潜在的镇静、催眠作用。

    OBJECTIVE To study sedative and hypnotic effects of Da ' an granule ( DAKL ) on mice .

  20. 大安油田储层中发育了受沉积微相和构造控制的四组裂缝。

    There are four group fractures which were controlled by sedimentary microfacies and structure in Daan oil field .

  21. 卡丽娜:我有个想法,我们走到大安森林公园去享受点阳光吧。

    Karina : I 've got an idea . Let 's walk to Da-an Park and enjoy the sunshine .

  22. 介绍吉林大安粮食钢板仓的安装施工方案、采用的施工技术、施工过程,并对施工效果进行评价

    This paper introduce the installation methods , construction technology and construction process of the Da an armor plate silo ( Jilin ) and assessment of the construction effect

  23. 这部分是承接前一部门,由自贡市大安区国家税务局医药销售行业存在问题出发,从征税纳税双方存在的问题切入,分析以上问题产生的原因。

    This part is the former sector , from the problems of the medicine sales industry , by the problems of tax collection and pay taxes , analyzed their causes .

  24. 研究区位于松辽盆地北部他拉哈英台大安地区,构造上位于大庆长垣以西古龙凹陷和龙虎泡大安阶地毗邻地区。

    The studied area locates in Talaha-Yingtai-Da'an in the north of Song-Liao basin , and the tectonic location is in the Gulong depression and Longhupao-Da'an terrace in the west of Daqing placanticline .

  25. 本文在岩芯描述和三维有限元数值模拟的基础上,对大安油田裂缝的分布特征、发育规律、分组裂缝所起作用及其对开发的影响等方面进行了综合评价。

    Based on the core description and three dimensional finite element numerical simulation , the authors comprehensively evaluated the distribution characteristics , development rule and effect on exploitation of different fracture groups .

  26. 东北平原西部土地沙漠化综合治理与开发研究&以八·五国家科技攻关大安试验区为例

    Integrated Land Desertification Control and Development in the Western Part of Northeast Plain A Case Study in Daan Experimental Area as a Scientific and Technical Brainstorm Project of the State in 8th 5 years Plan

  27. 自贡市大安区国家税务局针对医药销售行业的现状采取了一系列相应的措施,并取得了一定的成效,但并没有完全从根本上堵塞税收漏洞。

    Zigong Da ' an area State Administration of Taxation adopted a series of corresponding measures according to present situation of medicine sales industry , obtained some achievements , but it is not completely fundamentally jams tax loopholes .

  28. 大安组时期地表水流加强,北部、北西部物质大量带入,沉积范围由北向南扩大,主要沉积以砾岩为主的河道相和以砂岩为主的河床相,仍有一定范围的湖沼相;

    Strengthened surface water and enormous material brought from north and west-north and enlarged sedimentation from north to south , the major deposition during Da ' an period are channel facies of conglomerate and river bed facies of sandstone ;

  29. 因此,武汉大安制药有限公司引入脂质体对香菇多糖进行剂型修饰,以期延长药物在体内的作用时间,提高香菇多糖的疗效,增强其在临床应用的效率。

    Therefore , Daan Pharmaceutical in Wuhan , liposomes modified formulations is conducted with a view to further enhance its effects , prolong the extension time of Lentinan in vivo , improve efficacy of Lentinan , enhance its clinical application .

  30. 利用遥感技术结合野外调查和室内土壤化学分析,对吉林省大安市草原土壤盐渍化现状进行了研究,通过定量与定性分析,对大安草原土壤盐渍化进行了分类。

    The research investigated the current situations of grassland soil salinity in Da ′ an county by remote sensing technique and field investigation , and indoor soil chemical analysis . By quantitative and qualitative analysis , it classified soil salinization of Da ′ an grassland .