
dà xiǎo jiě
  • eldest daughter;princess;a way of address for others' daughter
大小姐 [dà xiǎo jiě]
  • (1) [way of address for others' daughter]∶旧时对人家女儿的敬称

  • (2) [eldest daughter]∶特指长女

大小姐[dà xiǎo jiě]
  1. 有什么事吗,大小姐?

    Is something the matter , princess ?

  2. 等着我把你接回家来吧,大小姐。

    Wait till I get you home , young madam .

  3. 这并不意味着要使用大小姐玛丽扮演者道克瑞女士的真实声音,PPH的老板XeniosThrasyvoulou如是说。

    It does not even mean using the real voice of Ms Dockery who plays the aristocrat in the successful series , said PPH boss Xenios Thrasyvoulou .

  4. 27岁的汤姆-库伦曾在2011年获得英国独立电影奖最有前途新人奖。此次,他将出演Gillingham爵士,唐顿庄园一家的老朋友。他的出现将会使大小姐重展笑颜。

    Cullen , 27 , who was named most promising newcomer at the British Independent Film Awards in 2011 , will play Lord Gillingham , an old family friend whose appearance could raise a smile from the face of the cynical Lady Mary .

  5. 大小姐,好久不见了。

    Hey lady , long time no see .

  6. 所以你跑出去见那位庄园大小姐了又套出什么来了

    Oh so you ran off to be with the lady of the manor ?

  7. 1888年,海伦和母亲、沙利大小姐三人去马萨诸塞州的波士顿。

    In 1888 Helen , her mother and Miss Sullivan went to Boston , Massachusetts .

  8. 大小姐玛丽(唐顿庄园)

    Lady Mary ( Downton Abbey )

  9. 大小姐,您知道为什么那两个神职人员不阻止我们吗?

    Miss alice , do you know why those priests didn 't even try to stop us ?

  10. “毫无问题是班纳特家的大小姐最美。关于这一点,人们决不会有别的看法。”

    the eldest Miss Bennet beyond a doubt , there cannot be two opinions on that point . " "

  11. 我说,莎蕾,赶快上大小姐这儿来,帮她穿衣服。

    Here , Sarah , come to Miss Bennet this moment , and help her on with her gown .

  12. 她可是堂堂临冬城史塔克家族的大小姐,有朝一日还要做王后的呢。

    She was a Stark of Winterfell , a noble lady , and someday she would be a queen .

  13. 有新研究指出,《唐顿庄园》里大小姐玛丽的声音已经成为在美国最受欢迎的英国声音。

    Downton Abbey 's Lady Mary is now the most in-demand British voice in America , new research has revealed .

  14. 身为暗杀者兼魔术师,我的命也确实挺苦的,爱丽丝大小姐。

    As an Assassin and a Magus , my whole life was just a process of suffering , Miss Alice .

  15. 他进门后第一句话就是“大小姐回来了没有?”

    The first thing he asked the servant when he got in was : " has Mei-ching come home yet ?"

  16. 我就从哈福德大小姐开始说起吧。本周,她证明了自己完全可以随心所欲地控制自己的身体功能。

    Let me start with the elder Miss Harford , who this week demonstrated that she is well capable of controlling her bodily functions .

  17. 只有班纳特家的两位大小姐照常饮食起居,照常各干各的事。

    The elder Miss Bennets alone were still able to eat , drink , and sleep , and pursue the usual course of their employments .

  18. 他们似乎没有畏缩的意思。他同他的大小姐共坐一辆马车终于按时出发了。

    He seemed to have no idea of shrinking from it , and set forward at last most punctually with his eldest daughter in his own carriage .

  19. 我想,在不远的将来,哈福德大小姐或许会每次尿一滴尿,这样就能获得满口袋的巧克力金币。

    I have visions of the near future in which Miss Harford empties her bladder one drop at a time in order to scoop bagfuls of chocolate coins .

  20. 他立刻回答了最后一个问题:毫无问题是班纳特家的大小姐最美。

    And his answering immediately to the last question & Oh ! the eldest Miss Bennet beyond a doubt , there cannot be two opinions on that point .

  21. 骄傲?本公子没那意思,若本公子有冒犯之处,请大小姐你多多见谅。(不必激动)

    Pride ? The son did not mean that , if the son is an affront to the Department , please you 're doing more . ( without excitement )

  22. 大小姐教过她,这个死字便是薄命女子的唯一的出路,她很相信这个。

    The Eldest Young Miss had often told her that suicide was the only way out for girls who were the victims of Fate . Ming-feng believed this fully .

  23. 小姐们都跑到树荫路的旁边,我抚着那位大小姐踏在路旁的木架边上。

    The ladies ran all to the side of mall , and I helped my lady to stand upon the edge of the boards on the side of the mall .

  24. 大小姐蒙彬格莱先生邀她跳了两次舞,而且这位贵人的姐妹们都对她另眼相看。班太太看到尼日斐花园的一家人都这么喜爱她的大女儿,觉得非常得意。

    Mrs. Bennet had seen her eldest daughter much admired by the Netherfield party . Mr. Bingley had danced with her twice , and she had been by his sisters .

  25. 在传统的两性文化背景下,《白鹿原》中的三位女性:白灵、田小娥、冷大小姐以其不同的方式对既定命运进行了反抗。

    In the background of traditional bisexual culture , BAI Ling , TIAN Xiao-e and Miss LENG , the three heroines in BAI LU YUAN , struggle against their destinies in different ways .

  26. 第四季中,两位帅气的年轻贵族绅士将会拜访唐顿庄园。《每日电讯》已收到制作人强烈的暗示,现在可以透露说,其中有一位绅士将会抚慰我们大小姐那颗受伤的心。

    Two handsome young aristocrats will pay a visit to the stately home during series four , The Daily Telegraph can disclose , with producers dropping strong hints that one will attempt to mend Lady Marys broken heart .

  27. 你多大年纪了崔小姐?

    How old are you miss choi ?

  28. 皮彻!去接电话!他大喊道。莱斯利小姐,您愿意嫁给我吗?他又轻声地问了一遍。

    Take the telephone , Pitcher ! he yelled . Will you , Miss Leslie ? he added softly .

  29. 这是一档全球热播的电视节目,而坎特伯雷基督教会大学舞蹈教育的大一学生史密斯小姐成为了全世界最有名的脸孔之一但是只有她的家人知道那个太阳宝宝是她。

    The show was a global hit and Miss Smith , a first-year dance education student at Canterbury Christ Church University , became one of the most famous faces in the world - but only her family knew it was her .

  30. 威廉先生:(对宾利说)这是我的大女儿,你认识的,这是班纳特太太,大女儿吉英小姐,伊丽莎白小姐,玛丽小姐。

    Sir William : ( to Mr Bingley ) my eldest daughter you know , Mrs Bennet , Miss Jane Bennet , Elizabeth and Miss Mary Bennet .