
dà bā
  • bus;coach
大巴 [dà bā]
  • [bus;omnibus] 大型公共汽车

  1. 返回加来时,由于道路施工,我们乘坐的长途大巴严重误点。

    As we headed back to Calais , the coach was badly delayed by roadworks

  2. 从机场出来后,我钻进了新西兰航空公司提供的一辆大巴车里。我们一行14个人被拉到了当地很有名的酒店Sofitel。

    After we were out of the airport , we got into a coach provided by Air New Zealand and the14 of us were taken to the famous Hotel Sofitel .

  3. 一辆疏散大巴的司机被弹片炸伤。

    The driver of an evacuation bus was wounded by shrapnel

  4. 这个游览胜地到处都有免费大巴,夜生活也很丰富。

    There are free buses around the resort and plenty of nightlife .

  5. 为了拿到前往哥伦比亚的签证,我们乘大巴返回麦德林。

    To get our Colombian visas we bussed back to Medellin

  6. 这辆大巴能坐45人,内有空调和影像设备。

    The bus is a 45-seater with air-con and videos .

  7. 那次乘长途大巴遍游该国,你肯定累得精疲力竭。

    You must be tuckered out after that bus trip across the country .

  8. 大巴灵顿的主街两侧林立着许多小的店铺和餐馆。

    Main Street in Great Barrington is lined with small storefronts and restaurants .

  9. 一些基本的服务是由从外省乘坐大巴来的塞尔维亚工人提供的。

    Essential services were provided by Serbian workers bussed in from outside the province .

  10. 过去在五一劳动节这天,数十万人常常乘坐大巴到东柏林游行。

    On May Day hundreds of thousands used to be bussed in to parade through East Berlin

  11. 天还黑着,就有5辆大巴开始从距银山煤矿140英里的地方出发运送矿工。

    It was still dark when five coaches started to ferry the miners the 140 miles from the Silverhill colliery

  12. 在开车返回大巴多的途中,父亲和我兴奋地谈论着这次会议。

    On the drive back to great baddow , father and I discussed the meeting excitedly .

  13. 呈现给观众的任何一次演出都会有一个由艺术家、技术专家、经理、音乐家或作家团队参加的巡演大巴,这些人一起创造引人入胜的艺术。

    Any given performance takes a tour bus full of artists , technical experts , managers , musicians , or writers to create an appealing piece of art .

  14. 我们在自然生活馆(NaturalLivingCenter)下了车,一名保安在停车场指挥大巴进进出出。

    We got off at the Natural Living Center , where a guard was directing buses in and out of the parking lot .

  15. HEV大巴车用高功率MH/Ni动力电池的研制

    Development of high power Ni / MH battery for HEV bus

  16. 这在热门旅游目的地奥兰治县(OrangeCounty)是常见景象。奥兰治县正在竭尽所能地让满载着中国游客的大巴不断到来。

    It 's a common scene at the popular destination in Orange County , which is doing what it can to keep buses filled with Chinese tourists coming .

  17. 30多年前,巴德接管了设在马萨诸塞州大巴灵顿的西蒙洛克学院(Simon’sRock)。后者是所私立学院,接收11年级及以上的学生。

    More than 30 years ago , Bard took over Simon 's Rock , a private college for 11th graders and up in Great Barrington , Mass .

  18. 约翰逊已将奇丑的单层“弯曲大巴”(bendybus)赶出了伦敦街头。

    Mr Johnson has banished the dreadful single-decker " bendy buses " from London 's streets .

  19. 大巴山是NWWSEE走向的中央造山带中惟一的向南凸出大型弧型褶皱带,与秦岭&大别造山带的构造特征明显不协调。

    The Daba Mountain , a unique convex-southern bow-like folding belt in NWW-SEE striking Qinling Orogen , is obviously uncoordinated with the Qinling orogenic belt in tectonic characteristics .

  20. 该学区的高中也在尝试进行一些调整,以适应新作息时间表,例如,在大巴上增加Wi-Fi服务,以便运动员们在途中做作业。

    The high schools in the district have tried to adjust , for example by adding Wi-Fi access to buses so athletes can do homework on the road .

  21. 大卫·赵(DavidZhao)是从温德汉姆花园酒店出发的那辆大巴上的导游,他说去纽约旅游,住在纽瓦克这个概念对于有些中国人来说很难理解。

    David Zhao , the tour guide on the bus from the Wyndham Garden , said the concept of staying in New Jersey on a trip to New York was hard for some Chinese to understand .

  22. 大巴上其他所有乘客都是阿非利卡人(Afrikaner):这些人都是大块头的白种人,穿着短裤,看上去很健康。

    All the other people in the bus were Afrikaners : big healthy white families in shorts .

  23. 这类顾客信息很关键,有助于理解某个顾客回大巴时为什么拿着古驰(Gucci)包装袋,而不是路易威登(LouisVuitton)的袋子,或者相反。

    Such customer intelligence could be the key to understanding why a particular shopper gets back on the bus with a parcel from Gucci rather than Louis Vuitton , or vice versa ,

  24. 城口断层整体受到NE-SW向的挤压力作用,它将大巴山分为南北两部分,在秦岭-川东的地质研究中占据重要位置。

    Chengkou fault is in the whole of the NE-SW stress field , and it divides the Daba Mountain into two parts .

  25. 比亚迪发言人林密(PaulLin)透露,该公司计划明年开始销售K9电动大巴,到2012年开始销售E6电动汽车,这将比预期时间提早两年。

    According to Paul Lin , the company 's spokesman , BYD plans to start selling its K9 electric bus next year and its E6 electric care by2012 , two years earlier than anticipated .

  26. 即使一家创业公司的梦想受挫,零食却会坚持下去,就像我最近去看LeapTransit曾经拥有的大巴车时了解的那样。这家创业公司一度怀揣彻底变革城市交通的梦想。

    Even when a startup 's dreams are deferred , the snacks hang on , as I learned during a recent visit to the buses that were once owned by Leap Transit , a startup that once had aspirations of revolutionizing urban transportation .

  27. 随着大巴向约克市驶去,shia小姐在她滔滔不绝的教科书式解说词中,加入了更多英国生活的奇异片段,以防游客睡着。

    As the bus rolls on to York , Ms Shia infuses her textbook patter with more unconventional snippets about life in Britain to stop them from nodding off .

  28. Fe-Cr-Mo-P-C-Si-B非晶态合金圆丝大巴克豪森效应及Matteucci效应以及其感生脉冲性能

    Large Barkhausen Jump and Matteucci Effect in Fe-Cr-Mo-P-C-Si-B Amorphous Wires and Their Inducing Pulses Properties

  29. 于是,我们乘坐大巴上到噼啪山索道(KachiKachiYamaRopeway),在距山顶3000多英尺(约合915米)处登上缆车。

    So we rode the bus to the Kachi Kachi Yama Ropeway and took a cable car more than 3,000 feet to the top of the mountain .

  30. 一名目击者告诉路透社,他看见一些白色大巴载着数以百计全副武装的士兵进入Douma城。

    White buses brought in hundreds of soldiers in full combat gear into Douma , a witness told Reuters news agency .