
  • 网络Large scale mapping;large scale topographical mapping
  1. 城市平面控制网坐标系统的选择应满足投影长度变形不大于25cmkm,从而便于城市大比例尺测图和市政工程的施工放样。

    The selection of a city coordinate system of the plane control network must be satisfied with the deformation of projective lenth to be not bigger zhan 2 5cm / km , thus it is easy for the large-scale mapping of a city and the construction lofting of municipal engineering .

  2. 大比例尺测图中高程抵偿面的确定

    Determination of the compensation surface of height in large scale mapping

  3. 图根控制点在大比例尺测图时的密度要求

    The distribution requirement of measuring - points in large-scale drawing

  4. 经过偏心改正后的定位精度才能保证大比例尺测图定位要求。

    D positioning accuracy can meet the requirements of a large-scale surveying chart .

  5. 城市控制测量及大比例尺测图方法与分析

    The Method And Analysis Of City Control And Large Scale Topographical Map Surveys

  6. 利用数码相机进行航空大比例尺测图的研究

    A Study on Large-Scale Mapp in g by Aerial Photogrammetry with Digital Cameras

  7. 此法也适用其它大比例尺测图系统。

    Also aPPlicable to other large scale mapping system .

  8. 大比例尺测图野外数据检查电子化浅析

    Brief Discussion on Electronization of Field Data Back-check for Large Scale Surveying and Mapping

  9. 基于数字影像的大比例尺测图

    Large-scale Mapping Based on Digital Image

  10. 本文将介绍一种适用于大比例尺测图的航测数字化测图系统DIGIP。

    In this paper , a photogrammetric digitized mapping system , which is suitable for large scale mapping , an is presented .

  11. 基于航空摄影测量作业流程进行了航拍试验,分析得出数码航空摄影测量完全能满足大比例尺测图的要求,最后总结了数码相机进行航拍成图的几点结论。

    The experiment was made on base of workflow of aerial photogrammetry , the experiment result shows that the digital image can produce large scale map , and several conclusion is induced at last .

  12. 控制测量在数据处理时,通常要进行两次投影(地面→参考椭球面→高斯投影平面),也相应地产生两次投影变形,不利于大比例尺测图和工程施工放样。

    When processing data in controlling survey , we usually project twice ( land surface → according to ellipsoid plane → gauss projection plane ) and it brings about Deformed projection twice too . It is not good for large scale mapping and setting-out of project construction .

  13. GIS的大比例尺数字测图方法分析与改进

    Analysis and improvement of large scale GIS-oriented digital mapping

  14. 介绍了在莆田大比例尺数字测图中,将GPSRTK技术直接用于碎部测图中控制测量的试验情况,分析了试验的精度,得出了一些技术结论和建议。

    Based on the test of mapping control survey using GPS RTK technique on large scale digital mapping in PuTian and the analysis of test precision , some technical conclusions and suggestion are made .

  15. 谈谈野外采集数据大比例尺数字测图的平面精度

    The Precision of Large-scale Digital Surveying and Mapping by Field Collect Data

  16. 内外业一体大比例尺数字化测图探讨

    Approach to Large-scale Digital Surveying and Mapping of Indoor-Outdoor Integration

  17. 航测大比例尺数字化测图中的若干问题

    Some problems about large scale digital surveying by aerial photogrammetry

  18. 大比例尺数字化测图的实践与探索

    Practice and Discussion of Large Scale Digitalization surveying and Mapping

  19. 大比例尺数字测图质量控制方法探讨

    Discussion about quality control method for large scale digital mapping

  20. 大比例尺数字化测图质量控制与质量评价系统的研究

    Research on Quality Control and Quality Appraising System of Large Scale Digital Mapping

  21. 大比例尺数字化测图研究

    Research on the large scale digital survey & drawing

  22. 该分析结论对冶金矿山大比例尺地形测图有一定的指导意义。

    The author claims his work to be helpful to map interpretation in metal-deposit mining .

  23. 该数据采集系统可以广泛应用于大比例尺数字测图,管线测量,地籍测量等领域。

    The data collection system can be widely used in large scale topographic survey , pipeline survey , cadastral survey and other fields .

  24. 大比例尺数字测图正以其测图精度高、成图速度快等优势逐步取代传统的以平板为主的模拟测图。

    For its superiority over traditional plane-table mapping in accuracy and efficiency , the large scale digital mapping is becoming more and more popular .

  25. 从工程控制测量、大比例尺数字测图、施工放样、工业测量系统、变形监测和工程专题信息系统等6个方面,介绍了测量工程学的发展现状及取得的成就。

    In this paper the developing conditions of the engineering geodesy is present from six aspects , such as engineering control survey , large scale digital mapping , setting out , industrial measuring system , deformation monitoring and engineering GIS .

  26. 主要介绍了数字化测图在大比例尺地形测图中的应用及精度分析,探讨了测图数据信息采集过程中应注意的问题。

    This paper mainly introduces the application of the digital mapping process in the topographic mapping with large scale and the accuracy analysis , and probes into some problems needing attention in the course of collecting the mapping data and information .

  27. 从村镇规划用图方面对大比例尺的测图的基本要求出发,依误差传播理论,逐级推算出图根控制网和首级控制网所需的精度,并在实践中得到应用。

    This paper , starting with the basic requirement of mapping with a large scale in town planning , calculates the precision needed by mapping control network and primary control network in accordance with the error communication theory and it is applied in practice .

  28. 大比例尺地形数字化测图方法浅析

    Elementary Discussion for Digital Mapping Method of Large Scale Topographic Map

  29. 上海城市大比例尺野外数字化测图验收工作的探讨

    A Study of Acceptance of Shanghai Urban Large-scale Feild Digital Mapping

  30. 大比例尺地面数字测图的概述和草图法测图

    Review on large scale terrestrial digital mapping and sketch mapping method