
  • 网络Big Platform;Platform
  1. 旷场试验结果显示:空白对照组与大平台对照组比较,大鼠水平活动评分、垂直活动均无差异(P0.05)。

    The results of open field test : the black control group had no significant differences between the level and vertical activity compared to the big platform group ( P0.05 ) .

  2. 这样一来,一度被捧为下一代计算大平台的可穿戴“智能”设备,如健康追踪腕带、卡扣式心脏监护仪、谷歌眼镜、智能手表,甚至还有智能假发(没错,就是智能假发)突然之间就魅力大减。

    Hailed as the next big platform in computing , wearable " smart " devices like fitness tracking bracelets , clip-on heart monitors , Google Glass , smartwatches , and even smart wigs ( yes , smart wigs ) suddenly looked a lot less interesting .

  3. Facebook和谷歌(Google)所指的用户数均包括PC与移动两大平台。

    Both Facebook and Google are talking about combined desktop and mobile users .

  4. 通过建立ESD动态支撑机制,分析了四大平台是如何影响企业持续发展的;

    How the main four platforms affect ESD is analyzed by construction of ESD 'S dynamic supporting mechanism .

  5. 本文首先简述了NET、J2EE两大平台的体系结构,着重于描述报表工具考查指标,比较了几种典型的报表工具。

    NET and J2EE platform , Emphatically to describe the standard of the report tools , and compare with several typical report tools and the research of Web report system general model .

  6. 微软(Microsoft)已经坐拥Windows和Xbox系统两大平台,在过去10年间一直卧薪尝胆,试图在移动终端在搭建一个新的平台。

    Microsoft ( MSFT ) has two massive platforms in windows and Xbox , and has been thrashing about for a decade trying to build one in mobile .

  7. J2ME作为Java语言的三大平台之一,适用于消费性电子产品,提供嵌入式系统所使用的Java开发工具、执行环境和API。

    As one of the three major platforms of Java , J2ME is targeted to electronic products . It provides Java develop tools and running environment and API for embedded systems .

  8. 此外,微信和移动QQ这两大平台上的移动游戏营收,在2014年第二季度达到了4.88亿美元。

    In addition , revenues of mobile games on the WeChat and Mobile QQ platforms reached $ 488 million in Q2 2014 .

  9. 显然,现在有五大平台将会扮演举足轻重的角色,成为强大的力量:亚马逊(Amazon)、苹果(Apple)、谷歌(Google)、Facebook和阿里巴巴(Alibaba)。

    Clearly there are five platforms that will play an important role and be very powerful : Amazon ( AMZN ), Apple ( AAPL ), Google ( GOOG ), Facebook ( FB ), and Alibaba .

  10. 玩家仅需完成一次登录操作,便可登入腾讯集团旗下的不同产品,移动QQ和微信便是其中的两大平台,同时也是中国大陆地区的两款主流社交平台。

    Gamers can use a single sign-in to log in to different Tencent products like Mobile QQ and WeChat , the two leading social communications platforms in China .

  11. 100.8m高空钢结构施工大平台设计及吊装施工技术

    Design and hoisting technology of 100.8m steel structure construction platform

  12. 游戏玩家们也值得拥有一份自己的榜单,尤其是一年前我们迎来了XboxOne与PS4两款游戏机,一大批画面精美的互动式游戏也陆续登陆这两大平台。

    Gamers deserve a list of their own , especially with the release of Xbox One and PS4 one year ago . In the time since , both systems have unleashed a torrent of interactive games with beautiful graphics .

  13. 然后重点介绍了本文提出的长链式路由协议实现的WSN系统,完成了数据汇聚终端、通信节点和数据采集节点三大平台的编程设计,并且分析了系统在运行过程中可能出现的异常情况。

    Thirdly , we introduce the wireless sensor network system based on the long chain routing protocol and completes the software workflow design of the data sink terminal , communication node and sensor node and analyzes the possible exceptional situation and its handling process .

  14. 控制系统采用三级网络架构,整合了前期的GE、西门子品牌PLC和新建的AB品牌PLC三大平台,功能齐全,组态灵活,界面友好,兼容性好,宜于扩展,而且技术成熟,性价比高。

    Control system uses a three-tier network architecture . The whole control platform integrates early GE , Siemens PLC and new built AB PLC . The platform is fully functional , configuration flexibility , friendly interface , good compatibility , suitable for expansion , and mature technology , cost-effective .

  15. CEBEX集团是致力中国全球领先的商业智能平台型公司,将通过集团旗下特有的会议、协会和服务三大平台推动行业生态系统的健康稳定发展。

    CEBEX Group facilitates the development and growth of industry ecosystems through a unique , multi-platform approach covering three key sectors : conferences , associations , and services .

  16. 建设西部高校实验室的大平台

    Building a Large Platform of Laboratory for Universities in Western China

  17. 地铁车辆段大平台结构&上部住宅减震系统研究

    Research on Seismic Vibration Control of Huge Platforms with Upper Structures

  18. 用激光准直仪测量大平台平面度方法的误差分析

    Error Analysis for Measuring Planeness of Large Terrace by Laser Collimator

  19. 论数字图书馆四大平台的均衡发展

    On the Hamonious Development of the Four Terrace of Digital Libraries

  20. 具体的方法主要是建立学科实验大平台。

    The method is to set up the laboratory platform .

  21. 构筑科技活动大平台培养青少年创新能力

    Constructing the Platform of Technological Activity and Training Teenagers ' Innovation Ability

  22. 一只蜜蜂正走上一个大平台的前端。

    A bee stepped in front of a large platform .

  23. 南京奥林匹克体育中心大平台预应力施工实践

    Pre-stressed construction of Nanjing Olympic center large flat roof

  24. 网络社交平台,是品牌传播大平台。

    Thirdly , the social networking presents as the platform for brand communication .

  25. 南京体育中心大平台后浇带的施工与监测

    Construction and Monitoring of Post-Cast Concrete for the Large Platform in Nanjing Sport Center

  26. 南京奥体中心中央大平台结构裂缝控制问题的研究

    Research on Problems of Crack Control in Large Platform of Nanjing Olympic Sports Center

  27. 南京奥体中心大平台预应力施工有关问题的探讨

    Study on Prestressing Construction Questions of the Large Platform of Nanjing Olympic Sports Center

  28. 将近代物理内容加入大平台普通物理实验

    Adding modern physics to general platform physics experiments

  29. 构建21世纪的实验大平台&东南大学实验室建设年、实践教学年巡礼

    To Constructing the 21st Century Experiment Platform

  30. 构筑海洋生态养殖大平台加快渔业经济产业化进程

    To Establish a Large Platform for Ocean Ecological Aquaculture and Accelerate Progress for Fishery Industry