
  • 网络accessory occupancy;subsidiary room
  1. 目前我国体育场附属用房使用效率较低,主要存在功能用房标准较低、体育场普遍设施简陋的问题,未能较好实现体育场的经济和社会效益。

    Nowadays our utility efficiency of the subsidiary room to the stadium is not high , there are these problems : the criterion of function room is low , stadium 's establishments are generally simple , so it can not achieve the economical and social benefit better .

  2. 通过对石油大学留学生楼附属用房体外预应力加固工程的介绍,探讨了体外预应力加固方案的设计思路与特点。

    The characteristics and design methods of structure strengthening with external prestressing tendons are discussed on the basis of the introduction of a project at the accessory building for foreign students in the Petroleum University .

  3. 高速公路附属区服务用房包括服务区、停车区、收费站、监控通信所、养护工区等。

    Expressway auxiliary service buildings include service area 、 parking area 、 toll station 、 monitor station 、 signal station 、 maintenance zone and so on .