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fù zhuó
  • Attachment;adhere to;adhering;stick to;sticking;cling;latch on
附着 [fù zhuó]
  • [adhere to;stick to] 较小的物体贴在较大的物体上

附着[fù zhuó]
  1. 细菌一进入血液里,就附着在红细胞表面上。

    Once in the bloodstream , the bacteria adhere to the surface of the red cells .

  2. 小颗粒牢牢附着在种子上。

    Small particles adhere to the seed

  3. 烟味仍附着在她的衣服上不散。

    The smell of smoke still clung to her clothes .

  4. 墨汁颗粒附着在气泡上,浮到表面上。

    Ink particles attach themselves to air bubbles and rise to the surface .

  5. 一方面,如果体内没有足够的胆固醇,我们就无法存活下去。另一方面,如果体内胆固醇过高,多余的胆固醇就会附着在动脉内壁上。

    On the one hand , if the body doesn 't have enough cholesterol , we would not be able to survive . On the other hand , if the body has too much cholesterol , the excess begins to line the arteries .

  6. 这种细菌附着在病人使用过的东西上。

    This germ is found on things used by the patients .

  7. 这种油漆能附着于任何粗糙或光滑的表面。

    This paint will adhere to any surface , whether rough or smooth .

  8. 细菌附着在牙缝中的食物残渣上,导致蛀牙。

    Bacteria sticks to food debris in the teeth , causing decay .

  9. 地衣附着在岩石、树干上。

    Lichens adhere to rocks and tree trunks .

  10. 其中许多基因与调节种子如何在仍附着于其亲本植株时变的耐旱的基因相同。

    Many of them are the same that regulate how seeds become dryness-tolerant while still attached to their parent plants .

  11. 昨天,我们收到一个写着“致露西”的包裹,里面附着这张纸条:亲爱的露西,艾比已经到天堂了。

    Yesterday , we received a package addressed , " To Lucy " with this note : Dear Lucy , Abbey has arrived in heaven .

  12. 他在《CurrentBiology》中写道,海洋微生物附着在漂浮的塑料物体上,它们的气味诱使海龟进食。

    As he writes in Current Biology , he thinks that the odour of marine6 micro-organisms which colonise floating plastic objects induces turtles to feed .

  13. 肠系膜根部基底宽阔的附着面使小肠得以稳定

    The broadbased attachment of the mesenteric root stabilizes the small bowel .

  14. 这种病毒附着在红细胞上

    The virus latches onto the red blood cells .

  15. 它附着在铁这种细菌需要通过吸收才能生存的矿物质上。

    It sticks to the mineral iron which bacteria need to absorb in order to survive .

  16. 目的探讨经脉线的附着组织与经穴—脏腑效应之间的关系

    Objective To explore the relation between meridians cohering on the organism and channel and point-entrails effect .

  17. 方位词里可以附着在名词或者名词性短语后面组成X里的方位结构,也可以与介词构成介词短语。

    This direction word can be attached to the noun or noun phrase and constitutes a prepositional phrase with preposition .

  18. 电子对Cl2的离解附着

    Dissociative attachment of electrons to c1_2

  19. 实验结果表明,在酸性溶液、中性溶液及碱性溶液中HA在基体铂(Pt)电极上均有一定的附着。

    The result shows that HA can be adhered on Pt electrodes in acidic , neutral and alkali solution .

  20. 用胶带法测试了不同离子能量下的增强附着剂量阈D(th)。

    Threshold doses ( Dth ) of enhanced adhesion for different energies have been measured by the Scotch Tape Test .

  21. MeVF离子辐照引起的Sb、Ag、Cu、Pd、Ni薄膜在Si基底上的增强附着

    Enhanced adhesion induced by MeV F ions for Sb , Ag , Cu , Pd and Ni films on Si

  22. 研究还发现,热处理过程中所采用的水溶液pH值和溶剂种类对于取向附着的晶体生长有非常明显的影响。

    The pH value of the aqueous solution and the solvents adopted during the treatments were revealed to have significant influence on the oriented attachment-based crystal growth .

  23. 结果表明,PTFE和锐钛型纳米二氧化钛均对海洋细菌的附着有抑制作用。

    The results showed that both PTFE and nano-TiO2 in coatings could impede the adhesion of marine bacteria .

  24. 牙周治疗前及治疗3个月、6个月和12个月后常规临床检查、记录牙周附着水平,通过硫氰酸铵分离试验测定血清抗牙龈卟啉菌脂多糖(LPS)的抗体亲和力。

    The avidity of IgG antibody against P. gingivalis lipopolysaccharide ( LPS ) was measured by diethylamine dissociation ELISA .

  25. 本文研究了以聚丙烯酸酯类高分子材料为载体的附着与悬浮生长SBR工艺处理人工合成废水的性能;

    Using polymer porous particulate as carriers , some wastewater treatment characteristics of suspended-attached system in sequencing batch reactor were studied in this thesis .

  26. 120m烟囱无井架附着式倒模施工技术

    Construction technology of attached reciprocal formwork without shaft well of 120-high chimney

  27. 本装置采用转轮式结构,转轮的转轴与外壳之间填充有蜂窝状基材,基材上附着结构稳定且吸附量大的钙X分子筛吸附剂。

    It is full of cellular material between the revolving shaft and shell of the rotating wheel . Ga-X molecular sieves with high adsorption capacity and stable structure are adhered to cellular material .

  28. 但在厦门站潮差区暴露4a后,由于特殊的海水环境和试验设施,该合金局部发生海生物附着下的缝隙腐蚀。

    After exposure in Xiamen tide station for 4a , the alloy locally generated crevice corrosion by marine biofouling .

  29. 与乙酰胆碱类似,γ-氨基丁酸(GABA)和印防己毒素(picrotoxin)对冠瘤海鞘幼体的附着变态均有显著的抑制作用。

    Similarly acetylcholine , y-aminobutyric ( GABA ) and picrotoxin also can inhibit the settlement and metamorphosis of S.canopus larvae .

  30. 随着石蜡油浓度的增加,附着在LDPE膜表面的菌落也越来越多。

    With the increase of concentration of the mineral oil , there is denser biofilm formed on the LDPE and the weight loss of the PE also increases .