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  • 网络The Great Dunhuang;The Great Dun Huang
  1. 这正好说明了:随着瓜敦铁路的修通,旅游人次迅速增加了,而大敦煌区域的旅游经济总量的却在某种程度的降低。

    This just shows : with the melon , railway , new tourist person-time has increased rapidly , and the Grand Dunhuang regional tourism economic output in some degree of but reduction .

  2. 帖学与碑学是书法艺术中的两大流派。敦煌南北朝写本的书法艺术

    Traditional Chinese handwriting models and rubbed stone inscriptions are two major schools in the history of Chinese calligraphy . The Calligraphic Art in Dunhuang Manuscripts of the Southern and Northern Dynasties

  3. 中国和印度这两大古文明在敦煌融合,敦煌是古丝绸之路上的一个重要前哨。

    The two ancient cultures of India and China thus met at Dunhuang , which was a major outpost along the silk road .