
  • 网络The Big Pond;Large Pond
  1. 也有一个带石船的大池塘。

    There is also a large pond with a stone boat .

  2. 雨点掉下而起涟漪的大池塘。

    A large pond dimpled with raindrops .

  3. 类似的,如果你在一所名校中非常出色,你也许会成为一条大池塘里的小鱼。

    Similarly , if you ’ re very intelligent at an elite4 school , you may end up being a little fish in a very big pond .

  4. 广东滩涂生态大池塘养殖模式与技术

    The Aquaculture Model and Techniques for Intertidal Mudflat Ponds in Guangdong

  5. 而这些大池塘全是通往佩顿河的。

    And these great big shit ponds are leaking shit into Peyton creek .

  6. 这个社区在一个大池塘边上的大片树林里面。

    The colony was in this huge wooded area that bordered a big pond .

  7. 在农舍的后面是一个大池塘。

    Behind the farmhouse was a great pool .

  8. 到家之后,小鱼仔描绘了那个漂亮的大池塘的奇妙之处。

    Arriving home , the little fish described the wonders of the beautiful big pond .

  9. 我想那意思是“小瀑布”或者“大池塘”或者其他什么。

    And I think it means " little waterfall ," or " big pond " or something .

  10. 在一个大池塘生活是美好的!也许这是相当沉闷这里,'思想愚蠢的青蛙。

    Life in a large pond is wonderful ! ''Perhaps it is rather dull here , 'thought the foolish frog .

  11. 现在你是大池塘里的一尾小鱼,但请记住:所有陌生的经历起初都会让人感到恐惧。

    You 're now a small fish in a big pond , but remember : all new experiences are frightening at first .

  12. '你是一个非常好的青蛙,'她唱',但你为什么不生活在一个大池塘?

    ' You 're a very fine frog , 'she sang , 'but why don 't you live in a bigger pond ?

  13. 南方高位池养殖生态环境影响及对策广东滩涂生态大池塘养殖模式与技术

    Ecological Environment Impact and Countermeasures for High-level Pond Aquaculture in South China The Aquaculture Model and Techniques for Intertidal Mudflat Ponds in Guangdong

  14. 这就是为什么大约40亿升的这些有毒废料掺水之后就被存放在田纳西州金斯敦区附近这个大池塘里的原因。

    That 's why roughly 4 billion liters of the toxic stuff mixed with water was left to sit in a massive pond near Kingston , Tennessee .

  15. 对一条小鱼来说,生活在一个大池塘中往往是艰难的。冥王星最近被逐出传统的行星家族证明了体积大小的确关系重大。

    It is always hard for a small fish to live im a big pond . Pluto'srecent departure from the classical planet family proves that size really matters .

  16. 她还继续哭,直到身边成了个大池塘,有四英尺深,半个大厅都变成池塘了。

    But she went on all the same , shedding gallons of tears , until there was a large pool all round her , about four inches deep and reaching half down the hall .

  17. 它感觉自己的倒影快要和自己撞到一起了,两者越来越近,直到最后……露珠先生汇聚到一个大池塘当中,恐惧消失了,取而代之的是无尽的喜悦。

    A reflection of itself seemed to be coming up to meet the dew drop . Closer and closer they came together until finally ... And then the fear transformed into deep joy as the tiny dew drop merged with the vastness that was the pond .

  18. 迪格:是啊,这么大的池塘。

    Digger : Yes , it 's a right big there .

  19. 她家是种荷的,有这样大的池塘,全是莲藕。

    Her house is a species that has such a big pond , all lotus .