
  1. “被大数据”(bigdataed)指沦为大数据的追踪目标,比如在谷歌上搜了个什么事,之后的一个月你都会收到根据这项搜索对你投放的广告。

    Big dataed means1 being the target of big data , as doing a Google search for something and then being sent targeted ads for that thing for a month . For example :

  2. 要以先进技术引领驱动融合发展,用好5G、大数据、人工智能等信息技术革命成果。

    Highlighting the integrated development driven by advanced technology , it also stresses the need to better use 5G , big data and artificial intelligence , among others .

  3. 我最近被大数据了。

    I got big dataed recently .

  4. 工业和信息化部表示,我国将建设国家工业互联网大数据中心,加强对中国工业互联网公司海外上市的监管和协调。

    China will build a national data center for the industrial internet and strengthen the supervision and coordination of overseas listings of Chinese industrial internet companies , according to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology .

  5. 美国尖子毕业生没有选择投行而选择以大数据(BigData)为职业的比例日益增加。

    A growing share of top US graduates are bypassing a career in investment banking for Big Data .

  6. 基于大数据量实时流媒体P2P树算法研究

    A P2P-tree algorithm based on large-volume real-time streaming media

  7. 大数据量传输下SOAP的性能研究

    The study of the performance of SOAP under the conditions of massive data transmission

  8. ApachePig是另一个报告和操作大数据的开源项目。

    Apache Pig is another open source project for reporting and manipulating big data .

  9. 基于格网划分的大数据集DEM三维可视化

    D Visualization of Large DEM Data Set Based on Grid Division

  10. 用VB实现大数据块CRC校验码算法

    Realizing the Algorithm of Big Data Frames ' CRC in VB

  11. 大数据量二维FFT的分块算法

    The Block Two Dimension FFT with Large Scale Data

  12. 好处是比较简单,但需要有一种适当的机制来通过web服务发送大数据集。

    The advantage is that it is simple to expose the data , whereas you need to have a proper mechanism for sending large sets of data over web services .

  13. 为了解决高速CMOS图像传感器数据传输问题,采用了一种适合于大数据流量的Cameralink的传输方法。

    To solve the problem of the increasing data transmission rates of High-Speed CMOS image sensor , the approach of Camera Link is developed .

  14. 针对引信体目标视频回波模拟器中高速大数据量传输、下载和存储的需要,提出了用现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)设计SDRAM控制器的方案和方法。

    A SDRAM controller for wireless fusee body-target video frequency echo simulator is designed based on FPGA .

  15. 高时效性和大数据量是合成孔径雷达(SAR)实时成像处理系统的两个主要问题。

    The data volume and the high real-time are the two vital problems of Synthetic Aperture Radar ( SAR ) real-time imaging system .

  16. 新的时代由移动、云、社交网络和大数据共同组成,这类似于Web诞生时催生电子商务的方式。

    Similar to the way e-business was formed by the advent of the web , this new era is being formed by the convergence of mobile , cloud , social networking and big data .

  17. 网络监控层采用工业以太网技术(SimaticNet),完成大数据量的通讯和采集;

    The network monitoring layer adopts industry Ethernet technology ( SIMATIC NET ) to finish great data communication and collection of quantity ;

  18. 从技术的角度来说,Hadoop是大数据最重要的标签之一。

    From the point of technology , Hadoop is one of the most important symbols of big data .

  19. 此外,目前基于单核串行的GIS软件,面对大数据量的可视性计算存在技术瓶颈。

    Moreover , the existing GIS softwares based on serial computation are confronted with technical bottleneck in visibility analysis tools , especially when it deals with the huge volume of spatial data .

  20. Dojo处理大数据集的方法简洁精致,可归结为以下两个方面

    Dojo 's approach to dealing with large data sets is simple , elegant , and boils down to two things

  21. 增加了CLIPS的大数据量推理能力。对于金融业来说,数据量非常大。

    The reasoning ability of CLIPS is advanced in this architecture . The flow of Data is very powerful for financial field .

  22. 配置信息同步功能完成OMC向NMC的大数据量配置信息同步。

    Configuration information synchronization function synchronizes mass data from OMC to NMC .

  23. 所以如果您的大数据基础架构必须处理时间序列,Informix已足够完成此工作。

    So if your big data infrastructure must cope with time series , Informix is more than up to the job .

  24. 为了适应将来大数据量的实时和准实时性业务,降低突发延迟成为OBS网络设计中要解决的一个重要问题。

    In order to meet the future need of real-time and quasi-realtime applications , the OBS network design requires short latency time .

  25. Apache的Hadoop框架本质上是一个用于分析大数据集的机制,不一定位于数据存储中。

    Apache 's Hadoop framework is essentially a mechanism for analyzing huge datasets , which do not necessarily need to be housed in a datastore .

  26. 通过MATLAB分布式并行计算集群和并行方法在不对算法应用造成过多影响的情况下,在多核计算机或计算机集群上更好的解决大数据量密集型计算优化问题。

    Parallel method caused little influence of the algorithm through the MATLAB distributed parallel computing cluster , and better solved intensive computing optimization problems of large amount of data in multi-core computer or multi-core clusters .

  27. 许多用于处理大数据的程序(比如Hadoop和MapReduce)都是基于Java的,所以了解如何使用Java编程是一项重要技能。

    Many of the programs used to handle big data such as Hadoop and MapReduce are Java-based , so learning how to program in Java is an important skill .

  28. 针对基于Rough集的经典分类算法值约简算法等不适合大数据集的问题,提出了基于Rough集的决策树算法。

    For the problem that classical classification algorithms such as value reduction algorithm based on Rough set are not suitable for large data sets , this paper proposes a decision tree algorithm based on Rough set .

  29. BigInsightsCore可帮助数据专业人员立即开始进行大数据分析,包括设计、安装、集成和监测。

    BigInsights Core is designed to help data professionals quickly get started with Big Data analytics , including design , installation , integration , and monitoring .

  30. 数据供给和大数据提取的转换也能够使用数据服务,尽管这些领域一般会使用ETL和数据profiling工具。

    Data sourcing and transfer of very large data extracts could use data services as well although traditionally those areas use ETL and data profiling tools .