
  • 网络e-book;E-books;Electronic Book;eBook
  1. 该方案能够解决电子图书在线交易系统的公平性问题,同时能够保持原有SET协议的安全性、可追究性和匿名性等电子商务协议的特点。

    The fairness problem of e-book online trading system is solved , moreover , the security , accountability and anonymity of electronic commerce protocol can be preserved .

  2. (Chirpify对电子图书销售的影响应该会更大。)

    ( chirpify would likely influence e-book sales even more . )

  3. Internet中文电子图书的检索与阅读技巧

    Search and Reading Skill for Chinese Electronic Books on the Internet

  4. 概述了Internet上中文电子图书的类型与阅读特点。

    This paper has summarized type and reading characteristic for the Chinese e-books at Internet .

  5. XML技术在开放式电子图书出版物领域的应用

    XML Technology and its Application in the Opening Electronic Publication

  6. 同时,苹果也在创建自己的电子图书业务,而且该业务还成了美国司法部(JusticeDepartment)反托拉斯法的调查对象。

    Apple also is building its e-book business , the subject of a Justice Department anti-trust investigation .

  7. 以Internet网络16个网站的免费电子图书资源为例,对网上免费电子图书资源的获取方法和阅读利用进行了探讨。

    By taking the examples in sixteen websites , this article discusses the method of obtaining and using the free e-book resources in Internet .

  8. PDF文档与多媒体电子图书

    PDF Document Multimedia E-book

  9. 高校图书馆电子图书与OPAC系统整合初探

    The Integration of Electronic Books and OPAC System in Academic Libraries

  10. 除GoogleWebReader应用外,用户也可在安卓(Android)、iPhone和iPad等设备上阅读谷歌电子图书。

    In addition to a Google Web Reader application , users will be able to read Google e-books on apps for Android , iPhone and iPad devices .

  11. 越多的电子图书、产品说明、公司文告、网络资料、电子邮件开始使用PDF格式文件。

    The more e-books , product descriptions , the company statement , the network information , e-mail to start using PDF format .

  12. Web文本挖掘是发现文本中所包含的内容和意义的过程,在Web信息源爆炸式增长的同时,电子图书数据库中的数据也以很快的速度不断的扩大。

    Web text mining is a process of discovering the content contained in the document . At the same time the Web information sources explosively grows , the data in the database e-books expand at a faster rate .

  13. 教师们还可以使用mac电脑为他们的教室创建电子图书,苹果公司也正在为这款Pages应用程序开发电子书软件。

    Teachers will also be able to use Macs to create digital books for their classrooms , and Apple is building a books creator into the Pages app .

  14. 本文基于UML的面向对象系统分析及设计方法,完成电子图书在线出版系统的需求分析、建模与设计。

    This article is base upon of the method of UML 's OOA and OOD , finish the analysis , modeling and design of Electronic books publish system .

  15. WWW网页链接分析的内容主要包括:链接和被链接量、链接网页的类型、链接的频次和变化、链接网页之间的关系和网络电子图书、期刊引证分析。

    The main contents of the analysis of links on WWW pages include the numbers , types , frequencies and citation of links .

  16. 虚拟咨询服务的发展研究&兼论南京农业大学VRS的总体设计与技术实现南京农业大学图书馆电子图书现状及对策

    Development and Research of Virtual Reference Service Present Situation of E-book in NAU Library and Countermeasures

  17. 随着计算机技术的进步与发展,新的信息载体和表现形式&电子图书(e-book)应运而生。

    Following the development and progress of computer technology e-book , a new form of information media and illustration arose .

  18. 电子图书阅读器必须通过某种方式下载图书:AmazonKindle使用一种基于手机的网络连接来直接连接到Amazon的服务器。

    Electronic book readers must have some method of downloading books : The Amazon Kindle uses a cellular-based network connection to connect directly to Amazon 's server .

  19. 谷歌(Google)的电子图书项目面临新的障碍,一家中国法院已准备受理一名中国小说家对这家美国互联网公司扫描其作品提出的诉讼。

    Google is facing a fresh hurdle to its digital books project as a Chinese court prepares to hear a case brought against the US internet company by a Chinese novelist for scanning her works .

  20. 结合开发实际,就网络版多媒体CAI课件在界面显示结构、电子图书、电子教案、虚拟课堂、虚拟实验、练习训练、协商交流、专家在线等多种设计模式进行探讨。

    This article articulate such design issues as interface design , electronic book , electronic teaching note , virtual classroom , virtual experiment , drill and practice , negotiation and communication , and online-expert and so on .

  21. 威利宣布将创建一家名为奥德赛(odyssey)的出版公司,意在把电子图书独家卖给亚马逊公司(amazon),彻底让出版商失去存在的必要。

    Mr Wylie had announced that he was creating a publishing imprint called Odyssey to sell e-books on an exclusive basis to Amazon , eliminating the need for a publisher .

  22. OPAC、电子图书和数据库作为图书馆的传统资源仍是信息空间图书馆的优势项目。

    Second , OPAC , the electronic books and the database the library the traditional resources were still the information spaces library superiority projects .

  23. WEBService测试使得用户输入书籍内容范围,可安全查询到相关书籍ID,书名,书籍单价。从而证明了网上电子图书城系统是一个从技术,经济,系统应用都可行的电子商务系统。

    Web Service testing allows users to query information of relevant books ID , title , book price by inputting contents of books , which demonstrates that the online e-books city system is a feasible e-commerce system in terms of technical and economic factors as well as system applications .

  24. •获得美国图书零售商Borders支持的加拿大电子图书公司Kobo成功融资5千万美元,主要投资方包括加拿大图书及音乐产品零售商IndigoBooks&Music和长江实业(集团)有限公司。

    • Kobo , the e-book company which borders endorsed , raised $ 50 million in funding led by investors like indigo books & music and Cheung Kong Holdings .

  25. 真正的威胁不是作者们对电子图书版税的利益分成,而是亚马逊将会变成网络版的沃尔玛(Walmart),挤压供货商(出版商)的利润率,达到降低价格和控制流通环节的目的。

    The threat is not that authors will share royalties on e-books but that Amazon will become an online Walmart , squeezing suppliers ' margins in order to cut prices and dominate distribution .

  26. 网络出版传播的媒介主要是网络出版物,具体形式包括电子图书(e-book)、网络期刊、网络报纸、网络音像等。

    The medium of web publishing communication is primarily network publication , and the concrete forms include the e-book , network periodical , network newspaper , network music and kinescope and so on .

  27. 哈珀柯林斯(harpercollins)上月出台了新的限制性措施,规定在图书馆的借阅次数达到26次以后,它的电子图书就会失效。

    Last month HarperCollins introduced new restrictions , requiring that its e-books expire once they have been borrowed from libraries 26 times .

  28. 亚马逊将与领先的电子图书分销商OverDrive合作。后者为1.1万家图书馆(即美国三分之二的图书馆)提供40万本电子书。

    Amazon is working with OverDrive , a leading distributor of e-books , which makes a catalogue of 400,000 books available to 11,000 libraries . That represents two-thirds of the libraries in the US .

  29. 不过,由于西蒙舒斯特(simon&schuster)和麦克米伦(macmillan)等一些大型出版社不允许图书馆出借他们的电子图书,kindle图书馆借阅服务的吸引力仍将受到约束。

    The appeal of the Kindle lending library , however , will remain constrained by the fact some large publishers , including Simon & Schuster and Macmillan , do not allow libraries to lend copies of their e-books .

  30. 今年10月,在法兰克福书展上,德国电子图书分销商txtr推出了一款售价仅为9.90欧元的电子书阅读器。

    And at the Frankfurt Book Fair in October , txtr , a German ebook distributor , unveiled an eReader that costs just 9.90 .