
  • 网络archive information resource
  1. 用Web技术实现档案信息资源共享的研究

    Study of the realization of co-sharing archive information resource with Web technology

  2. 数字化的档案信息资源的开发利用工作已经成为档案工作中的一个重点。

    The development and application of digital archive information resource is an emphatic topic in archive work .

  3. 作者根据PDF应用现状以及PDF文件格式的主要特性;指出PDF文件格式是档案信息资源数字化、网络化过程中可以采用的较理想的电子文档格式。

    The author suggests that the PDF file format is one of the fine E-file formats for digit archive information in the process of networking according to the major features of PDF and the application state .

  4. 知识经济时代档案信息资源管理模式初探

    Mode of Archives Information Resource Management in the Knowledge Economy Time

  5. 浅谈企业档案信息资源的开发与利用

    Superficial discussion on the development and utilization of archive information resources

  6. 档案信息资源市场模式初探

    A Preliminary Approach to the Market Pattern of Archival Information Resources

  7. 档案信息资源在深化医院改革中的重要作用

    Important role in deepening hospital reform played by archives information resources

  8. 网络环境下档案信息资源整合研究

    Study on the Archives Information Resources Integration under the Network Environment

  9. 档案信息资源开发是档案业务工作的重要组成部分。

    Archival resource development is an important part of archives management .

  10. 充分发挥档案信息资源在高校建设和人才培养中的作用

    Functions of Archives Information Resources in College Construction and Talent Development

  11. 如何做好电力企业档案信息资源的开发利用

    Ways to Develop and Utilize Archive Information Resources for Electric Enterprises

  12. 开发地震档案信息资源为地震科研服务

    Developing Seismological Archive Information Resources , Serving Seismological Science Research

  13. 利用档案信息资源为创建节约型企业服务

    Utilizing archives information resource to serve as establishing economy enterprise

  14. 研究资产管理方法,合理开发档案信息资源三个方面,阐述科研档案实行资产化管理的必要性。

    Study method of property management , develop information resources of files .

  15. 浅析人事档案信息资源与人才的开发

    Simply analyzing on the personnel archives information resources and the talent development

  16. 档案信息资源集成管理中的元数据问题及对策研究

    Metadata in Integrated Management of Archival Information Resources : Problems and Solutions

  17. 编研是综合开发高校档案信息资源的关键

    Compilation is the key to the comprehensive developing university archives information source

  18. 军事档案信息资源利用服务初探

    An elementary investigation of military archives information resources utilization service

  19. 开发农业科技档案信息资源的探讨

    A study on development of archive information resources agricultural science and technology

  20. 开发环境保护档案信息资源服务环境保护事业

    Approach on exploitation and utilization of the archive information of environmental protection

  21. 档案信息资源在大学生素质拓展中的作用

    The role of archives resources in development of College Students ' ability

  22. 档案信息资源开发利用:概念、原则

    The Concept and Principle : Exploitation and Use of Archival Information Resource

  23. 高校档案信息资源开发利用再认识

    On the Development and Utilization of the College 's Files and Information Resources

  24. 开发和利用档案信息资源是档案馆(室)永远的主题。

    To develop and use archives information resources is the permanent subject places .

  25. 城建档案信息资源开发的思考

    Thinking about the Development of City Construction Archives Information

  26. 高校档案信息资源的建设与管理

    Construction and Management of College 's Archives Information Resource

  27. 努力开发档案信息资源为矿山发展服务

    Try to Develop Information Resources of Files for Serving to Development of Mine

  28. 档案信息资源开发的必要性与现状分析

    Necessity of the Archive Information Resources Development and Analysis of the Present Situation

  29. 档案信息资源与管理水平相互作用、相互促进。

    Archive information resources interact with the management level .

  30. 高校档案信息资源共享之浅见

    On Recourses Share of the Archive Information among Colleges