
  • 网络phone interview;Telephone interview
  1. 有时候,公司会在面对面面试之前,和你进行一次电话面试,这是为了缩小申请者的范围。

    Sometimes companies will ask you for a telephone interview before a face to face one .

  2. 也可能是通过电话面试筛选你进入这个流程。

    In addition there may have been a telephone interview where you impressed them enough to proceed to this stage .

  3. 如果你无法感受到见面面试的好处,Wood建议起立并在电话面试的过程中行走。

    If you don 't have the benefit of a face to face interview , Wood recommends getting up and walking while on a phone interview .

  4. 那些在Cragslist和Facebook网站上回复了法利斯的招聘帖的人,必须填写一份详细的电子邮件调查问卷,经过两轮电话面试和三轮真人面试。

    Candidates who respond to Fallis ' postings on Craigslist and Facebook must fill out a detailed email questionnaire and undergo two rounds of phone interviews and three in-person interviews .

  5. 比尔•罗森塔尔表示,在Skype上进行面试已经成为雇主筛选求职者的新途径。它正在快速代替电话面试,甚至面对面的面试。

    Already , says Bill Rosenthal , Skype interviews are fast replacing phone screenings as a way for employers to check out job candidates before , or even instead of , an in-person sit-down .

  6. 43岁的法斯克兹(MichelleVasquez)说,她上个月获得了应聘一份高级营销职位的电话面试,这要多亏了招聘经理的一个朋友推荐了她。

    Michelle Vasquez , 43 , says she landed a phone interview for a senior marketing job last month thanks to a referral from a friend of the hiring manager .

  7. 过程中的第一步是电话面试。

    The first step in our process is a phone screen .

  8. 我们这周可以先进行一次电话面试吗?

    Can we schedule an initial phone interview this week ?

  9. 也就是说,你不能偷偷溜出去接听电话面试。

    That means no sneaking out for a phone interview .

  10. 电话面试后再写一封电邮或是亲笔信。

    Follow up with an e-mail or a handwritten note .

  11. 靠靠电话面试?

    Mm-hmm.What was it , a phone interview ? wow . - Ow !

  12. 千万不要轻视电话面试。

    Don 't take the phone interview lightly .

  13. 应聘者在一次电话面试中边和招聘经理谈话边冲马桶。

    During a phone interview the candidate flushed the toilet while talking to hiring manager .

  14. 雇主们将电话面试作为一种鉴别和招聘员工的方式。

    Employers use telephone interviews as a way of identifying and recruiting candidates for employment .

  15. 电话面试还可以帮助将外地应聘者的找工成本降到最低。

    They are also used as way to minimize the expenses involved in interviewing out-of-town candidates .

  16. 电话面试可以被用来帮助确定候选人是否是非常合适的人选。

    Phone interviews may be used to help determine if the person is a strong fit .

  17. 因此如果你希望出国工作,那么电话面试很可能是你面临的第一关。

    Therefore for those wishing to work abroad it may be the first interview they have .

  18. 通过电话面试,我最终获得了进入南部地区总决赛的资格。

    Through the phone interview , I finally got the ticket for the south regional final contest .

  19. 额外提示:如果是电话面试

    BONUS : For phone interviews

  20. 面试者在接受电话面试时还有哪些常犯的过失呢?

    So what are some other mistakes that job hunters commonly make when interviewing over the phone ?

  21. 如果候选者通过了电话面试,那么我们会为其安排现场面试。

    If the candidate isn 't filtered out during the phone screen , we schedule an on-site interview .

  22. 许多公司都会用电话面试来过滤掉第一批不符合标准的应征者。

    The telephone interview is used by many companies merely as screening interview to weed out weaker candidates .

  23. 在电话面试的最后,要询问你的资质是否符合公司的需求。

    At the end of the call , ask how well your qualifications meet the company 's needs .

  24. 在你接到电话面试或去现场面试前,要记得做下面5件事。

    Before you take that call or go to the in-person meeting , remember to do these five things .

  25. 电话面试是一种用于决定受否候选人符合职位要求的方法。

    Telephone interviews are prescreening tools used to determine whether or not a candidate matches the position 's requirements .

  26. 他说自己发出了100份求职信,接到了一些电话面试,但没有收到任何录用通知。

    He said he sent out 100 application letters , got a few phone interviews , but no offers .

  27. 声音清晰,明亮,预祝您顺利通过电话面试初选。

    You MUST have a clear speaking voice * You will have to demonstrate your skills in an initial phone interview .

  28. 招聘经理有时会在安排现场面试之前,再进行一次电话面试,以便深入了解更多情况。

    Sometimes hiring managers will reach out to candidates for a second call before scheduling an on-site meeting to dig deeper .

  29. 凯洛格商学院拒绝他的申请时,他已经参加了洛杉矶一家娱乐公司的电话面试。

    By the time Kellogg rejected his application , he had already had a phone interview with the L.A. entertainment firm .

  30. 你也可以向招聘者建议用电话面试的方式来进行沟通。如果双方彼此都有兴趣的话,再安排见面。

    You may also suggest an initial phone interview , and then arrange to meet in person if there is mutual interest .