
  • 网络e-commerce project;Electronic Commerce Project
  1. 利群集团电子商务项目风险管理研究

    A Study on Liqun Group ' Electronic Commerce Project Risks Management

  2. 十年之前,一个电子商务项目就是一项重点任务。

    Ten years ago , an electronic commerce project was a major undertaking .

  3. 电子商务项目往往强调类的结构,不太关注具体的XML语法。

    E-business projects tend to concentrate on the class structure and not worry too much about the actual XML syntax .

  4. 论沟通管理在B2B电子商务项目中的应用

    Application of Communication Management in B2B E-Commerce Project

  5. 我发现大多数business-to-business(B2B)电子商务项目都需要这样一个的简单客户机。

    I have found the need for such a simple client in most business-to-business ( B2B ) e-commerce projects .

  6. 去年,Twitter曾聘请曾任Ticketmaster首席执行官的内森•哈伯德(NathanHubbard)从事移动设备电子商务项目的开发。

    Twitter last year hired Nathan Hubbard , former chief executive of Ticketmaster , to work on mobile device commerce projects .

  7. 利用需求分析三阶段实施中小型企业电子商务项目运作管理

    Three Stages in Demand Analysis for SME 's E-Business Project Management

  8. 建筑电子商务项目启动评估可行性研究

    Electronic Commerce Project Initiation Feasibility Assessment in Construction Companies

  9. 本文说明了利群集团电子商务项目风险管理应该采取的监控措施。

    This article showed advantage group electronic commerce project risk management should adopt monitoring measure .

  10. 消费者主导的新型电子商务项目的可行性研究

    Consumer-Driven New E-Commerce Project Feasibility Analysis

  11. 那么人们也会很自然地期望电子商务项目能变得轻松、快速和廉价。

    It 's only natural to expect electronic commerce projects to be painless , fast , and cheap .

  12. 将这些理论应用于电子商务项目协同管理系统中,促进了企业的管理基础和能力水平的提高。

    By using these theories in the ECPCM , the dissertation promotes the management foundation and ability level higher .

  13. 在电子商务项目中,我也用这种技术来分解大型数据库的导出,得到较小的,更便于管理的文件。

    I have also used this technique in electronic commerce projects to break large database exports into smaller , more manageable files .

  14. 同时能在后期资源库运行和管理中,将其功能进一步予以健全和完善,更好地为电子商务项目课程教学服务。

    During its operation and management , we could further complete and perfect its function so as to better serve the teaching of E-commerce project curriculum .

  15. 论文对系统框架中的商务实体和构成要素展开了讨论,其中也包括社区电子商务项目规划和建设的商务模式;

    Some business entities and business operation modes in the system framework , ASP ( Application Service provider ) in the system of community e-business are also described in the paper .

  16. 第一章从基于中职改革创新、电子商务项目课程、学生学习、教师教学的不同角度,阐述了中职项目课程视角下的教学资源库建设背景。

    Chapter One based on the reform and innovation , the electronic commerce project curriculum , students , teachers different angle , elaborated the project curriculum from the perspective of instructional resource database construction background .

  17. 第三章通过对现有教学资源库的常见内容结构,及电子商务项目课程的教学资源内容及呈现结构的分析,确定了案例学校资源库的内容结构。

    Chapter Three based on the existing instructional resource database of common content structure , and electronic commerce project curriculum teaching resource content and present structural analysis , determination of case school database resource content structure .

  18. 最后使用信息化项目管理工具,以结婚商城项目为模型,对电子商务项目成本与风险管理的各种方法进行实践,取得了令人满意的研究成果。

    Finally , the use of information project management tools , to wedding mall project as a model , to the electronic commerce project cost and risk management of various methods of practice , achieved satisfactory results .

  19. 第四章从分析现有教学资源库建设的常见途径:建设主体、资源形态、建设环节着手,确定了电子商务项目课程教学资源库建设的途径。

    Chapter Four analyzes the common channels of construction of current instructional resource databases , which contains building the main part , resource pattern and chains , ascertains the method to construct instructional resource database for E-commerce project curriculum .

  20. 然后文章以商行通B2B电子商务平台项目为背景,对该项目在J2EE架构下进行的分析设计、实际开发以及部署进行了详细的论述。

    Then this paper takes " B2B E-commerce platform " as a background and discusses in detail the analysis , the design , the actual development as well as the deployment of the project which is carried on under J2EE architecture .

  21. 他管理并指导过金融、租赁、卫生保健和电子商务的IT项目。

    He has managed and coached IT projects in the financial , leasing , healthcare and e-commerce industries .

  22. 基于Agent和电子商务技术的工程项目招标投标模型研究

    Research on the distributed Bidding Model of Engineering Projects Based on Agent and Electronic Business

  23. 一般贸易网是铁路物资总公司电子商务系统的重要项目之一。

    The MarketPlace network is one of the most important e-business project of China Railway Materials and SuppliesCorporation .

  24. 本文以国家863研究课题区域协同电子商务技术研究(项目编号:2002AA413620)为依托。

    This thesis relies on national 863 research project " the technology research of district Collaborative E-business " ( item serial number : 2002 AA413620 ) .

  25. 社区电子商务系统内容主要包括物业管理服务项目和社区电子商务服务项目。简单描述了物业管理服务项目的功能模块。

    The community e-Commerce system mainly includes two functional modules - property management module and community service module .

  26. 基于前面介绍的知识和技术开发出了中小企业电子商务平台,论文最后对开发中小企业电子商务平台项目进行了总结,并对进一步发展做了展望。

    Based on the knowledge and skills mentioned , we have develope an E-commerce platform for small and medium-sized enterprise . In the last part of this article , it makes a summary for the project of E-commerce platform , and makes a forcast of further development in the end .

  27. 从传统商务到电子商务,就出现为实现电子商务活动而实施的电子商务项目。

    From the traditional commerce to the electronic commerce , appears to realize the electronic commerce project which the electronic commerce activity implements .

  28. 基于本文提出的B2C电子商务数据仓库模型,构建一个实验性B2C电子商务数据仓库项目。

    Base on the proposed B2C e-commerce data warehouse model , The thesis construct an experimental B2C e-commerce data warehouse project .