
diàn zǐ huò bì
  • electronic money
  1. 比特币(Bitcoin)是电子货币的一种形式,是专为互联网交易使用创造的货币。

    The Bitcoin is a form of electronic money which has been created specifically for use on the Internet .

  2. 电子货币对货币定义及乘数的影响

    The Influence of Electronic Money on Money Definition and Money Multiplier

  3. 然后,这些电子货币就会被存储在用户的账户中,这个账户也被称为电子钱包,而钱包中的比特币就可以在任何接受该币种的地方被用于网上交易。

    This electronic cash is then stored in a user account , often described as a digital wallet , which can then be used to make online purchases anywhere where Bitcoins are accepted .

  4. 基于Brands体制的强不可伪造电子货币系统

    Overspending Unforgeable E-cash Scheme Based on Brands ' System

  5. 在流行文化以及保罗的茶党追随者中,加密电子货币常常被描述为“电子货币”(electronicmoney)。

    Cryptocurrencies are often described in popular culture , and by Mr Paul 's Tea Party followers , as " electronic money . "

  6. 基于PBOC智能卡的匿名可分电子货币协议

    Anonymous divisible E-cash protocol based on PBOC IC card

  7. 智能IC卡是一种集成电路卡(ICCard),以电子货币形式流通于市场,也可用于社会保障等领域。

    Smart IC card is a kind of integrated circuit card ( IC Card ), which circulating as electronic currency and applying in society security and so on .

  8. 在电子货币系统中,用户Alice要从不同的银行得到签名支票(这是一个盲签名过程),然后将这些支票付给Bob。

    In an e-cash system , a user Alice obtains signing check from different banks ( this is a process of getting blind signatures ), and then she gives these checks to Bob .

  9. 这使他成为首位将利用加密电子货币(cryptocurrency)筹集资金的美国政客。

    That makes him the first US politician to raise funds using thecryptocurrency .

  10. Gizmodo报道说,莱特和2013年去世的美国人戴夫·克莱曼(DaveKleiman)“参与了这种电子货币的开发”。

    The Gizmodo report said that Mr. Wright and Dave Kleiman , an American who died in 2013 , " were involved in the development of the digital currency . "

  11. 由Netscape联合创始人马克•安德森与他人共同执掌的知名硅谷风投公司向电子货币“钱包”供应商Coinbase注资2000万美元。

    The prominent Silicon Valley venture capital firm co-led by Marc Andreessen , the Netscape co-founder , is investing about $ 20 million into coinbase , which provides " wallets " for the digital currency .

  12. 一个全国性的电子货币系统如同结算卡系统那样运行。

    A national electronic-money system would operate as a debit-card system .

  13. 第二,电子货币的价值通过不同的方式流通。

    Secondly , e-money value is transferred electronically in different ways .

  14. 关于一个前向安全电子货币系统的两点注记

    Two Remarks on a Forward - Secure E - cash System

  15. 论货币理论的发展与电子货币的产生

    On the development of monetary theory and emergence of electronic money

  16. 电子货币的风险防范及管理策略分析

    An Analysis on the Security and Risk Management for Electronic Money Activities

  17. 电子货币对商业银行信用创造能力的影响

    Influence of Electronic Money on Credit Ability of Commercial Bank

  18. 电子货币对货币流通速度具体的影响则要比较这两种效应的大小。

    E-money impact on money circulation velocity should compare these two effects .

  19. 基于电子货币技术的移动代理系统安全保护机制的研究

    Research on Mobile Agent System Security Mechanism Based on Electronic Currency Technology

  20. 电子货币对存款准备金政策作用机制的影响

    The Impact of Electronic Money on Action Mechanism of Deposit Reserve Policy

  21. 电子货币是可以独立于发行银行而进行自认证的一种符号。

    Ecash is the self-authenticated symbol that is independent from issued bank .

  22. 电子货币对社会伦理关系的影响

    On the Influence of Electric Currency on Social Ethics Relation

  23. 一种新的基于群签名的公平电子货币方案

    A New Fair Electronic Cash Based on Group Signature Scheme

  24. 电子货币的替代效应对货币层次的影响

    The Impact on Money Levels of the Substitution Effect of Electronic Money

  25. 网络银行和电子货币的风险管理

    Risk Management on Internet - Banking and E - currency

  26. 电子货币,未来支付方式的主流

    Electronic Currency & the Main Payment Form in the Future

  27. 第六章面对电子货币我国应采取的措施,阐述了货币电子化条件下,我国应针对性地采取的措施。

    It discusses what measures we should take under the condition of e-money .

  28. 电子货币与货币供求理论

    The Theory on Monetary Demand and Supply and E-Monetary

  29. 电子货币系统的风险及其控制

    Risks and Their Control in the Electronic Money Scheme

  30. 网络银行与电子货币&网络金融理论初探

    Internet Banking and E-money : Internet Financial Theory Analysis