
  • 网络Daming Palace National Heritage Park
  1. 建成后大明宫国家遗址公园将是绿树成荫,鸟语花香的城市绿肺。

    After completing , Daming Palace National Heritage Park will be an Urban Green Lung featured by big clusters of trees and flowers and large herds of birds .

  2. 丹凤门遗址是我国一项重要的历史文化遗产,也是整个大明宫国家遗址公园首批重点保护展示遗迹,具有突出的历史、艺术和科学价值,并且存在不可再生性、不可替代性。

    Danfeng Gate Site is an important historical and cultural heritage of our country , which is also the first batch of display relics of the Darning Palace National Heritage Park , with outstanding historical , artistic and scientific value , and it is non-renewable and irreplaceable .