
dà gē jù
  • grand opera
大歌剧[dà gē jù]
  1. 他这个人兴趣广泛,大歌剧、历史、美术,无所不好。

    He was a man of catholic tastes , a lover of grand opera , history and the fine arts .

  2. 自威尔第(verdi)时代以来,相对价格已发生了改变,这意味着,如今大歌剧的演出成本非常高。

    Changes in relative prices since the time of Verdi mean that grand opera is now very expensive to perform .

  3. 《卡门》(Carmen)是他的一部旷世之作,在首演100多年后,仍作为各大歌剧院的保留剧目,深受世界各地观众的喜爱。

    Carmen is one of his operatic masterpiece , Now , it still be regarded as reserved plays in every opera house after 100 years of its first-performance , and is very favored of audience all over the world .

  4. 她以大歌剧明星的端庄和自信登上了舞台。

    She came on stage with the dignity and self-assurance of a great Opeera star .

  5. 当时一家主要的喜剧团正在大歌剧院按合同进行演出。

    One of the principal comedy companies of the day was playing an engagement at the Grand Opera House .

  6. 其中大多借鉴西洋大歌剧的创作经验,力图解决音乐戏剧化问题。

    Most of these works borrowed from the creative experience of major Western operas in their efforts to solve the problems of musical dramatization .

  7. 数百年来,戏剧与舞蹈,音乐与诗歌都曾以各种不同的方式相结合,形成了大歌剧、轻歌剧。

    For hundreds of years , drama and dance , music and verse have been combined in different ways to compose grand and light operas .

  8. 它从1905年首演至今一直是世界各大歌剧院经常上演的剧目。

    Since its first performance in 1905 , to this day , it has always been the favorite of all the opera houses in the world .

  9. 《原野》、《张骞》、《苍原》可视为新时期严肃大歌剧创作的高峰。

    Open Country , Zhang Qian and Cang Yuan can be viewed as peaks of creative attainment in the field of serious grand opera in the new era .

  10. 莫斯科:莫斯科大歌剧院于周二解雇了一名爱吃冰淇淋的首席芭蕾舞演员,说她太高太重,以致多数舞伴都举不起她。

    MOSCOW ( Reuters ) - Moscow 's Bolshoy Theater sacked an ice-cream-loving prima ballerina Tuesday , saying she was too heavy and too tall for most of her dance partners to lift .

  11. 大人彬彬有礼,敏感多情,在处理今人生厌的国家大事和国家机密时,喜剧和大歌剧对他的影响要比整个法国的需要大得多。

    So polite and so impressible was monseigneur , that the comedy and the grand opera had far more influence with him in the tiresome articles of state affairs and state secrets , than the needs of all france .

  12. 第一章真实主义与普契尼的歌剧创作,对普契尼的真实主义歌剧创作思想作一阐述,并且着重介绍了其作品中的《艺术家的生涯》、《托斯卡》、《蝴蝶夫人》三大歌剧。

    The contents are as follows : In Chapter one , Verism and Puccini 's Major Operas , the author elaborates Puccini 's verism in opera creation , and introduces his three major operas : La boheme , Tosca , and Madam Butterfly .

  13. 谈谈杭州大剧院歌剧院音响系统

    Sound System of the Opera House in Hangzhou Grand Theater

  14. 杭州大剧院歌剧院的建声设计

    Acoustic Design for Opera Hall of HangZhou Grand Theater

  15. 杭州大剧院歌剧院扩声系统的设计、安装与调试

    Design , installation and test-running for sound amplifying system in the Opera House of Hangzhou Grand Theater

  16. 介绍了以在物理站点为基础构建的国家大剧院歌剧院扩声系统概况。

    Situation for the sound amplifying system of opera house in National Center for Performing Arts which base on the physical sites .

  17. 三大男高音,百万歌剧迷。

    The Three Tenors appeal to millions .