
  • 网络repertoire;repertory
保留剧目 [bǎo liú jù mù]
  • [repertoire;repertory] 剧团或名演员最拿手的,可留下以备经常演出的戏剧

  1. 歌剧《卡门》是比才最具代表性的作品,也是世界舞台上久负盛名的保留剧目。

    As the most remarkable work by Bizet , the opera " Carmen " remains a reputed repertoire in the theatres across the world .

  2. 我们将负责这两家公司以得到更大效益并且我们会继续进行投资,把中国作为保留剧目。跨国经营者的最大目的就是提高经济效益,谋求税负最小化和税后利润最大化。

    We will streamline the two companies to generate more efficiencies and we will continue to invest in local repertoire in Greater China . It is greatest final objective that transnational corporation tries to achieve the least tax and the most profit .

  3. 《卡门》(Carmen)是他的一部旷世之作,在首演100多年后,仍作为各大歌剧院的保留剧目,深受世界各地观众的喜爱。

    Carmen is one of his operatic masterpiece , Now , it still be regarded as reserved plays in every opera house after 100 years of its first-performance , and is very favored of audience all over the world .

  4. 离开戏剧学校之后,我就加入了一个保留剧目轮演剧团。

    After leaving drama school I joined a repertory company .

  5. 该保留剧目轮演剧团重演30年以前的戏剧。

    The repertory company revived plays from 30 years ago .

  6. 带着几部保留剧目在合国巡演

    Tour some repertoires in the country

  7. 我到了牛津在那里的保留剧目轮演大约担任了六七个角色。

    I went to Oxford to play six or seven parts in a repertory season there .

  8. 接线员:哦,那是一场保留剧目,名叫“大闹天宫”。

    Telephonist : Oh , its a reserved opera named " The Monkey Creaters Havoc in Heaven " .

  9. 帕特洛第一次接受演出训练是在她11岁,那时她父亲正在执导夏日保留剧目。

    Paltrow 's first training in acting came at the age of 11 while her father was directing summer stock productions .

  10. 乔治·洛威尔和安东尼·杰克逊(1984):《保留剧目专用剧场运动:英国地方戏剧史》;剑桥:剑桥大学出版社。

    Rowell , George and Anthony Jackson ( 1984 ) The Repertory Theatre Movement : A History of Regional Theatre in Britain , Cambridge : Cambridge University Press .

  11. 在保留下来的秦腔剧目中,我们不仅发现了不少元杂剧的经典剧目,且元杂剧文本的某些特点在秦腔中也有所体现。

    It has been found that there are many classical repertoires of Yuan drama in Shaanxi opera and some features of Yuan drama text are reflected in Shaanxi opera .