
hónɡ sè niánɡ zǐ jūn
  • Red Women's Army;Red Woman's Army
  1. 《红色娘子军》:电影与记忆机制

    The Red Detachment of Women : Film and Memory - Work

  2. 建构解放的神话:《红色娘子军》与《光荣》的意识形态读解

    Reading the Ideology of Red Detachment of Women and Glory

  3. 芭蕾舞剧《红色娘子军》是根据同名电影改编而成。

    Ballet , Red women 's detachment is based on the film with the same name .

  4. 舞剧《红色娘子军》是一部具有鲜明民族特色的舞蹈艺术精品。

    The dance drama Red Detachment of Women is a dance art treasure with bright national characters .

  5. 钢琴组曲《红色娘子军》是20世纪中国的一部大型经典作品。

    The Piano Suite The Red Women Army Was a great classical work in the 20 ~ ( th ) century China .

  6. 概述舞剧《红色娘子军》音乐的创作背景和对20世纪中国音乐的重要影响。

    The background of the Ballet The Red Women Army and its great influence on 20 ~ ( th ) Century music in China .

  7. 晴空万里,彩旗飘扬,军民共同庆祝红色娘子军连的成立。

    Colorful flags fly under the boundless blue sky , as the soldiers and the people are celebrating the founding of the Red Detachment of Women .

  8. 全文共分三章:第一章样板戏《红色娘子军》的生成,追溯了《红色娘子军》的生成过程。

    There are three chapters : Chapter ⅰ" Formation of Modern Opera The Red Detachment of Women ", traces back the formation process of The Red Detachment of Women .

  9. 其中最著名的就是《红色娘子军》,它描述了旧社会里,贫女从被压迫走上革命道路,最后用自己的双手改变自己的命运!

    One of the most famous is the 《 red woman army 》, it describes the old society , the poor girl from the oppressed took to the revolutionary road , finally with our own hands change our own destiny !

  10. 论述2000年&2005年间影视同源作品现状,以《红色娘子军》为例讨论了红色经典现象,并对《生活秀》、《我这一辈子》进行个案分析;

    Part III , concluded the situation of the congenetic movies and teleplays during 2000 to 2005 . It was taking The Red Detachment of Women as an example to discuss the phenomena of Classic Red , and it also did the case analysis to Life Show 、 My Lifetime .