
dà fǎ guān
  • Justice;Lord Chancellor;grand justice
大法官[dà fǎ guān]
  1. 大法官释字第604号解释是否妥适,颇值商榷。

    It is doubtful that whether the explanation No.604 of Grand Justice is appropriate .

  2. 陈总统表示,此次将提名有史以来最多的女性大法官候选名单。

    President Chen said that he will nominate a record number of female candidates to serve as grand justice .

  3. 他为最高法院的大法官做书记员。

    He clerked for the chief justice of the Supreme Court .

  4. 他于1970年到1974年间出任大法官。

    He was Lord Chancellor from 1970 until 1974 .

  5. 大法官被气得连连拍案。

    The judge was enraged and stroke the table for several times .

  6. 英国最重要的法官是大法官。

    The most important judge in Britain is the Lord chancellor .

  7. 大法官说他现在没有制定判刑的标准。

    The Lord justice said he was not laying down guideline for sentencing .

  8. 她将代替日前宣布退休的大法官史蒂文斯(JohnPaulStevens)。最高法院共有九名法官。

    She would replace retiring Justice John Paul Stevens on the nine-member Court .

  9. 大法官LewisKaplan否决了政府目击证人提供的证据。

    Judge Lewis Kaplan rejected evidence from a government witness .

  10. 大法官们裁定,合成DNA在实验室中经过修改的遗传物质片段可以获得专利保护,因为合成过程涉及人的参与。

    The justices ruled that synthetic DNA – strands of genetic material that have been modified in a lab – could be patented because this process involved some human input .

  11. 在英国,其它的法律威胁还包括警方调查。大法官莱韦森(LordJusticeLeveson)将在一项独立调查中审查警方的调查。

    Other UK legal threats include police investigations which will be reviewed by Lord Justice Leveson in an independent inquiry .

  12. 大法官鲁思·巴德尔·金斯伯格(RuthBaderGinsburg)、史蒂芬·G·布雷耶(StephenG.Breyer)、索尼娅·索托马约尔(SoniaSotomayor)与肯尼迪意见相似。

    Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg , Stephen G. Breyer and Sonia Sotomayor joined Kennedy 's majority opinion .

  13. 另外三位分别是现任的鲁斯·金斯伯格(RuthBaderGinsburg)、索尼娅·索托马约尔(SoniaSotomayor),以及退休的前任大法官桑德拉·黛·奥康纳(SandraDayO'Conner)。

    She would follow current Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor as well as retired Justice Sandra Day O'Connor .

  14. 大法官安东宁·斯卡利亚(AntoninScalia)撰写了主要观点。

    Justice Antonin Scalia wrote the majority opinion .

  15. 这都是基于前最高法院的路易斯布兰德斯(LouisBrandeis)大法官拥护的原则&阳光是最好的消毒剂。

    They are based on the principle espoused by former Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis – that sunlight is the best disinfectant .

  16. 我的宣誓仪式是由最高法院的犹太裔女大法官露丝·巴德·金斯伯格(RuthBaderGinsburg)主持的。

    my oath was administered by Ruth Bader Ginsburg , a Jewish female justice of the Supreme Court .

  17. 当肯尼迪大法官(JusticeKennedy)宣布同性伴侣不必再“生活在孤独之中和被排除在人类文明最古老的制度之外”,资深诉讼律师们在众人面前落泪——他们并不是一群多愁善感的人。

    Veteran litigators - not a sentimental bunch -- wept openly as Justice Kennedy announced that same sex couples need no longer " live in loneliness , excluded from one of civilization 's oldest institutions . "

  18. 主要意见书作者、大法官安东尼·M·肯尼迪(AnthonyM.Kennedy)一贯对种族敏感的项目持怀疑态度,之前从来没有在投票中支持过平权行动计划。

    Justice Anthony M. Kennedy , the author of the majority opinion , has long been skeptical of race-sensitive programs and had never before voted to uphold an affirmative action plan .

  19. 大法官安东尼·肯尼迪宣布DOMA违反第5修正案的平等保护条款。

    Justice Anthony Kennedy declared DOMA in violation of the Fifth Amendment 's Equal Protection clause .

  20. 投出决定性赞成票的大法官安东尼•肯尼迪(JusticeAnthonyKennedy)在撰写多方意见时称:(婚姻保护法)将同性婚姻置于二等婚姻的不稳定地位。

    This [ Doma ] places same-sex couples in an unstable position of being in a second-tier marriage , Justice Anthony Kennedy , the swing vote on the court , wrote in the opinion for the majority .

  21. 据NPR新闻的朱莉·罗夫纳报道,最高法院大法官索尼娅·索托马约尔在新年前夕就其中一个可能面临罚款的未决案件进行了判罚。

    As NPR 's Julie Rovner explains Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor step in New Year 's Eve relate potential fines in one of the pending cases .

  22. 下面是洛杉矶大众在得知议会通过让法官SoniaSotomayor成为最高大法官之后的反应。

    That is the crowd reacting in Los Angeles after they learned the Senate confirmed Judge Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court .

  23. 最高法院大法官ClarenceThomas的妻子要求AnitaHill道歉。在90年代初期Thomas的提名确认听证期间,AnitaHill曾指控Thomas性骚扰。

    The wife of the Supreme Court justice Clarence Thomas is asking for an apology from Anita Hill , a woman who accused Thomas of sexual harassment during his confirmation hearings in the early 90s .

  24. 大法官埃琳娜·卡根(ElenaKagan)很有可能也属于这一方,不过她曾作为副司法部长参与过此案,因此需回避。

    Justice Elena Kagan , who would most likely have voted with the majority , was recused from the case because she had worked on it as solicitor general .

  25. 用大法官AntoninScalia的话说,总体政策存在性别歧视的证据“完全不存在”。

    Evidence of a general policy of discrimination was , in the words of Justice Antonin Scalia ," entirely absent " .

  26. 最高法院指派华盛顿市的律师(后来成为最高法院大法官的)阿倍•福塔斯(AbeFortas)在最高法院的审理中代理吉迪恩。

    The Supreme Court appointed famed Washington lawyer ( and later a justice of the Court ) Abe Fortas to represent Gideon in his Supreme Court case .

  27. 前英格兰和威尔士首席大法官伍尔夫爵士的这项调查发现,LSE的一些人曾警告称,卡扎菲的这个二儿子不适合在此攻读研究生。

    The inquiry by Lord Woolf , former Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales , found that some LSE people had warned that the junior Gaddafi was not up to graduate study .

  28. 在一场豁免听证会上,乔治·齐默曼(GeorgeZimmerman)没有根据佛罗里达州的“不退让法”寻求免罪辩护。在齐默曼涉嫌枪杀17岁的特雷沃恩·马丁(TrayvonMartin)一案中,一名大法官将拥有独立决定权。

    George Zimmerman is not seeking immunity under Florida 's " stand your ground " law in an immunity hearing , a judge would have sole discretion in deciding Zimmerman 's culpability in the shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin .

  29. 大法官安东宁斯卡利亚(AntoninScalia)代表最高法院的5位大法官写道,这些员工未能提供令人信服的证据,证明在全公司范围内存在歧视性的薪资及晋升政策。

    The workers provide no convincing proof of a company-wide discriminatory pay and promotion policy , wrote Justice Antonin Scalia for five members of the court .

  30. 现在轮到最高法院的9位大法官裁决Aereo是否合法。

    Now , it 's time for the nine justices of the Supreme Court to rule on whether Aereo is legal or not .