
dà zhònɡ diàn yǐnɡ
  • Popular Cinema
  1. 大众电影似乎已经衰落了。

    Popular cinema seems to have decayed

  2. 封面中的政治&《大众电影》封面的苏联影像分析

    Analysis on Image of Soviet Union by the Cover of Popular Cinema

  3. 《大众电影》封面人物由政治表征符号变为个体感性展示符号。

    The cover people on Popular Cinema change form political symbols into individual perceptual display symbols .

  4. 大众电影研究

    A Study on The Popular Movie

  5. 本文的研究标本是1950年到2009年间出版的《大众电影》杂志封面。

    This paper concentrates on the covers of Popular Cinema magazine , which published form 1950 to 2009 .

  6. 看过一部影片,记住一个人物,这是大众电影美学对于恩格斯提出的典型人物论的成功实践。

    ' After you watch a film , you can remember at least one role ' , that is the successful practice of the theory of typical role brought forward by Aisne .

  7. 反过来,电影又在当代审美文化的三重建构中形成了主流电影、大众电影和精英电影三种电影形态并存的格局,并且形成了他们各自的形态特征。

    On the other hand , a coexistence pattern of three movie forms-theme movies , popular movies and artistic movies-has been established , and the three movie forms have developed their respective characteristics .

  8. 这一时期主流意识形态表征通过政治、经济、文化相结合的方式得到表达,以吸引受众接受,这也是《大众电影》封面选取的标准。

    In this period , the mainstream ideology is expressed by political , economic , cultural to attract the audience to accept , this also is the criteria Popular Cinema to select cover people .

  9. 大多数奥斯卡奖的投票者们并不青睐大众流行电影。

    For the most part , Oscar voters refused to bow in the direction of popular movies .

  10. 制片公司不是大赚特赚,就是大赔特赔,这个结果反映出迎合大众的电影业赢者通吃的本质。

    Studios either thrived or withered , an outcome that reflects the winner-take-all nature of the mass-appeal movie business .

  11. 怎么会是看电影那太不敬了这又不是娱乐大众“电影”

    No , not like a movie . That 's insulting.This is not entertainment . " Movie . " Oh , okay .

  12. 受大众对电影与电视外景拍摄地向往的影响,旅游业热火朝天,机票热销。一种被称为“外景地爱好”的现象。夏威夷因此成了狂热影迷们的电影天堂。

    As the tourist industry enjoys a boom in bookings inspired by movie and TV locations a phenomenon known as " set-jetting " Hawaii is celluloid nirvana for besotted film fans .

  13. 在电影技术不断革新推动力的作用下,受大众的电影审美标准的提升,电影片头的样式、地位和意义都发生了质的变化。

    Under the film role of technical innovation impetus , film promotion of aesthetic standards of the public , style , position and significance of the films head qualitative changes have taken place .

  14. 肯·莱绅,美国电影协会美国人所做的其中一件事就是面向大众市场生产电影。

    One of the things the American did was , they are making the movies for the mass market .

  15. 建国以后,作为大众传媒的电影功能单一化,成为最高权力阶层进行革命史影像化的工具。

    Since 1949 , as one of the mass media , film lost other functions except ideology , became the tool of highest governor .

  16. 作为一种新兴的文化,大众文化用电影、电视等传媒载体在短时间内就获得了主导文化的地位,在中国也不例外。

    As a burgeoning culture , mass culture has become the leading culture in very short time utilizing movies , televisions and other media carriers .

  17. 这是动画电影《玩具总动员》主角之一的玩具宇航员的口头禅,它以一票的微弱优势胜出,位居大众最喜爱电影台词榜榜首。该电影由迪斯尼公司于1995年出品。

    The public vote saw the line said by a toy astronaut in Disney 's 1995 film Toy Story come out top by just one vote .

  18. 研究中发现,大众对商业电影的渴求与热爱,正是出于对中国历史上长期积压的心理紧张与生理焦虑进行宣泄的内在需要。

    According to the research of the thesis , the eagerness and the ardent love for commercial films originate from the internalized desire for unbosoming the psychological tension and the physiological anxiety , which have long been constrained in the history of China .

  19. 借助大众传播媒介,电影的传播范围更加广泛,使其在人们日常生活中扮演越来越重要的角色。

    Through mass media , the influence of film is widened and it plays a more and more important role in our daily life .

  20. 本文作者希望更多人注意大众意识形态对于商业电影字幕翻译的影响,这也正是本文意义所在。

    The thesis writer hopes more attention is drawn to the influence of mass ideology on the subtitle translation of commercial films , which is exactly the significance of the present study lies .

  21. 通过对冯小刚电影历史背景的分析,笔者认为,冯小刚电影诞生的最重要前提是时代和大众对商业娱乐电影的需求。

    After analyzing the historical background of Feng 's movies , in my opinion , the most crucial prerequisite of the birth of Feng 's movies is the needs for commercial entertainment movies from times and the people .

  22. 经历了西方的发现和跨国认同后,电影的大众性与华语电影的文化本土性,最终使他们在意识形态和艺术观念上向体制回归,而体制也对此展现了空前的宽容和承受度。

    After the discovery by the western and the identity by multi-nations , the popularity of films and the native culture of Chinese films make their return to the system in ideological and artistic views . And the system also displays an unprecedented forgiveness and tolerance .

  23. 与内地和台湾电影相比较,香港率先汲取了好莱坞电影工业的长处,告别了小作坊式的生产模式,获得了宝贵的电影产业化经验,发展了适合大众娱乐消费的电影新形式。

    Compared with the Mainland and Taiwan , Hong Kong film industry has absorbed new ideas from Hollywood film industry . Having abandoned the production mode ofsmall workshop , it got valuable experience in production and developed a new movie form , which comforted people with entertainment and consumption .

  24. 电影乍一看略显拘谨和笨拙,它以大众最喜闻乐见的电影模式展开:我们的英雄醒来发现自己的脑袋里装满了不属于自己的记忆,他必须争分夺秒在规定时间内搞清真相。

    At once serious and silly , the film hinges on one of the most beloved tropes of the genre : Our hero wakes up to find his head filled with memories that aren 't his own , and he has to fight to make sense of them before time runs out .

  25. 随着大众文化的发展,作为大众艺术的电影无可回避地承受了泛审美的历史和时代命运。电影形态的变革在不断的分化中重组、融合。

    With the spread of popular culture , movies as a mass medium have to face the challenge of popular aesthetics .